Annual Report 2023

The year 2023 was a prominent period for Jamk’s core functions. There was a notable rise in degree education from the previous year. Additionally, we saw an expansion in the scope of R&D activities and external funding reached an all-time record.

Growth for the Future

The year 2023 was a very successful operational year from the perspective of Jamk’s core missions. The financial figures were also satisfactory.

2023 demonstrated the wide demand for Jamk’s expertise both nationally and globally

During 2023, Jamk sought a new balance in education after the remote-focused work during the COVID19 pandemic, writes Bella Forsgrén, the Chair of the Board.


Significant European Commission Funding for Jamk as Part of EUDRES Alliance

EUDRES is developing educational opportunities for its 100,000+ students and aims to strengthen regional centers of expertise.


Jamk was internationally rated as a high-quality ICT trainer

Jamk University of Applied Sciences was awarded the international EUR-ACE Label for the second time.


Finnish Center of Expertise for Cybersecurity (FICEC) to strengthen cybersecurity expertise

The Finnish Center of Expertise for Cybersecurity of Jamk University of Applied Sciences and the University of Jyväskylä strengthens the cyber know-how of the Central Finland region in particular, but also supports the Finnish cyber security brand.


+ 7,3 % compared to 2022.
TOP5 turnover among Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences.


Division of income 2023



A record number of students
in degree programmes, vocational teacher training and specialisation training.

1 101

foreign students in degree programmes
+ 35 % compared to 2022.

31 463

credits at the open university of applied sciences
Valtakunnallinen vertailu?


new alumni
1170 Bachelor's degree students and 330 Master's degree students graduated from Jamk. In addition, 393 completed studies in professional teacher training.

Student story

Studying Purchasing and logistics engineering broadens career opportunities

"I have been enjoying studying Purchasing and Logistics at Jamk. One of the reasons is that my previous work experience aligns well with my current studies, making me feel that I am improving my skills."


Jamk's international nursing students become employed well in Central Finland

To help with the shortage of nurses in Central Finland, Jamk University of Applied Sciences is running a project that supports the employment of international nurses graduating from the English degree programmes.

Alumni story

Sulaymon Tajudeen's International Business Alumni Story

Sulaymon Tajudeen is International Business Alumnus from Jamk (2016). He believes in possibilities in face of challenges. His personal motto is "Never lose hope and keep pushing”. Read Tajudeen's inspiring Alumni Story!


22 M€

RDI volume
RDI volume experienced ongoing growth.


ongoing projects
71 new projects started.


of which 181 were artistic publications and 35 audiovisual publications.


RDI external funding
RDI external funding grew more than a million euros, to a record high.

Division of external RDI funding

Division of external RDI funding in 2023


A major EU research project combines AI with health promotion

Likes from Jamk University of Applied Sciences is involved in the SmartCHANGE research project of the European Union's Horizon Europe programme.


Centre of expertise in esports established in Central Finland

Jamk University of Applied Sciences, the University of Jyväskylä, Gradia and KIHU will jointly establish an esports competence cluster that will focus especially on cooperation and networking between SMEs and research and educational institutions.


Jamk developes smart agriculture with EUR 3.5 million

The needs of today's agriculture in transition will be met by creating an environment for co-creation of smart agriculture, where solutions that minimise emissions from arable farming and improve economic profitability can be developed.

Sustainable development and responsibility

We are committed to the joint goal of the universities of applied sciences of carbon neutrality by 2030 by implementing Arene's sustainable development and responsibility program. 

Sustainable and Responsible Jamk roadmap

Sustainable and Responsible Jamk roadmap



820 person/year.

Number of staff 2019-2023

Number of staff has grown from 743 to 912 during 2019-2023

Cooperation and partnerships

We constantly cooperate with employers to develop the skills needed in the working life. With the strength of cooperation and partnerships, we also respond to the skills shortage and make sure that our alumni find their career path.


Jamk and the National Emergency Supply Agency start developing cyber capabilities in industries critical to security of supply

The Institute of Information Technology of Jamk University of Applied Sciences and the National Emergency Supply Agency have concluded an agreement to develop cybersecurity exercise activities for actors critical of security of supply.


Jamk and Fingrid deepen their cooperation to strengthen cyber security expertise

Jamk University of Applied Sciences and the transmission system operator Fingrid have agreed on cooperation related to the development of multidisciplinary competence and applied research in information and communication technology and cybersecurity.