Key Performance Indicators 2020

Jamk University of Applied Sciences Ltd’s 24th operating year in 2020 was significantly affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Graphs on paper and a pen

Year 2020 was largely marked by the pandemic: Jamk relied on remote connections in most activities, and the campuses remained closed part of the spring. The commissioning of the new student administration system Peppi was another key development.

As the pandemic broke out, the results of the financial year were expected to be poor; Jamk managed to keep its activities more or less at the planned levels, however, and the service activities were the only ones that did not reach the target. This situation was also influenced by the fact that the pandemic hit everyone equally, and all parties thus shared a preparedness to be flexible in different situations, coping as well as possible with the effects of the pandemic. What also made things easier was the entire organisation’s excellent digital capabilities needed for distance work.

The operating profit was EUR 1,122,723 (profit for the financial year EUR 1,498,649), which was unexpectedly positive compared to the glum forecasts motivated by the pandemic in the early part of the year. However, the restrictions necessitated by the pandemic led to significant savings in service procurements and travel costs, which contributed to the good result.

Income statement: income 2020

Income statement: income 2020 61.9M€ 100%
Ministry of Education funding 46.3M€ 75 %
Subsidies and financial support 1.6M€ 3 %
Income from education services 4.4M€ 7 %
Other sales income 1.8M€ 3 %
Income from R&D 7.2M€ 12 %
Other income 0.6M€ 1 %

Income Statement: Expenses 2020

Income statement: expenses 60.4M€ 100%
Personnel expenses 43.5M€ 72 %
Services 7.0M€ 12 %
Material and supplies 0.9M€ 1 %
Allowances and benefits 1.0M€ 2 %
Rents 6.9M€ 11 %
Other expenses 0.4M€ 1 %
Depreciation 1.2M€ 2 %
Financial yields -0.4M€ -1 %

Financial indicators

Indicators Group Parent Company    
Year   2020 2019 2018 2017   2020 2019 2018 2017    
Turnover M€   61,9 59,8 58,7 57,0   61,9 59,8 58,8 57,0    
Change in turnover (%)   3,5 % 1,8 % 3,1 % 5,0 %   3,5 % 1,8 % 3,1 % 5,0 %    
Profit M€   1 121 -1 020 410 881   1 123 -1 018 411 882    
Profit, % of turnover   1,8 % -1,7 % 0,7 % 1,5 %   1,8 % -1,7 % 0,7 % 1,5 %    
Change in own capital (%)   4,8 % -0,02 % 2,6 % 3,6 %   4,8 % -0,02 % 2,6 % 14,4 %    
Revenue from own capital (%)   4,7 % -1,6 % 1,0 % 3,0 %   4,7 % -1,6 % 1,0 % 3,2 %    
Revenue from invested capital at fair value (%)                        
  • Handelsbanken
            5 % 6 % -1 % -    
  • Osuuspankki
            4 % 13 % -4 % -    
Quick ratio   3,3 3,1 2,6 3,6   3,3 3,0 2,6 3,6    
Days cash on hand   112,0 82,6 80,7 150,0   109,3 79,9 77,9 147,1    
Rate of self-sufficiency (%)   81,1 % 81,5 % 80,5 % 78,8 %   81,1 % 81,5 % 80,5 % 78,9 %    
Net gearing (%)   -57,7 % -44,5 % -42,0 % -34,8 %   -56,3 % -43,0 % -40,5 % -33,2 %    

In the liquidity ratios, the consolidated account of the City of Jyväskylä has been included in cash and cash equivalents.

The figures for the comparison years have been adjusted to comply with the new Ministry of Education and Culture's economic code.

Jamk University of Applied Sciences entered into a new agreement with the Ministry of Education and Culture for the period 2021–2024. The funding of universities of applied sciences has been based on the ministry's performance indicators. Measured by the ministry’s indicators, the activities of Jamk University of Applied Sciences have been extensive and reached good results across the board. In addition, Jamk met its target regarding the ministry’s strategy-based funding.


In financial year 2020, Jamk University of Applied Sciences had a personnel of 744 (743 in 2019) and accumulated 669 person-years. The personnel expenses went up by EUR 1.6 million year on year.

Graph: number of staff members in 2016: 686; 2017: 717; 2018: 739; 2019: 743; 2020: 744

Administration and organisation

The parent company's Board of Directors met ten times in 2020. The most important decisions made by the Board concerned statutory budget matters and financial statements.

Rector Jussi Halttunen served as President and Heikki Malinen as President’s deputy. The auditors BDO Oy were represented by principal auditors Pertti Hiltunen (Chartered Accountant) and Hanna Keskinen (Chartered Accountant, Chartered Public Finance Auditor).

Management Team


Jussi Halttunen, President, Rector
  Heikki Malinen, Vice Rector
  Mikko R. Salminen, Director of Administration
  Pertti Malkki, Director, School of Health and Social Studies
  Pasi Raiskinmäki, Director, School of Technology
  Pekka Risku, Director, Teacher Education College
  Asta Wahlgrén, Director, School of Business and Services (1.1. – 10.5.2020)
  Minna-Maaria Hiekkataipale, substitute Director, School of Business (11.5.-31.10.2020), Director, School of Business (1.11.2020 – 31.12.2020)

Staff representative

(1.1. – 31.7.2020) Pekka Natunen, Senior Lecturer
  (1.8. – 31.12.2020) Heljä Kautto, Executive Secretary


Heli Toivola, Marketing Manager

Board Members

Sinuhe Wallinheimo Chair of the Board
Aila Paloniemi Vice Chair (1.1. – 3.5.2020)
Jari Vähäpesola Vice Chair (4.5. – 31.12.2020)
Lotta Ahola Board Member
Vesa Arkko Board Member
Jouni Kurkela Board Member
Ahti Ruoppila Board Member
Mirja Nojonen Staff representative
Mikael Rauhansalo Student representative (1.1. – 4.5.2020)
Niklas Sillander Student representative (4.5. – 31.12.2020)

and Eino Leisimo as controller for the City of Jyväskylä. 

Mikko R. Salminen, Director of Administration, served as the Board’s secretary.

The Annual General Meeting was held on 4 May 2020.

The JAMK University of Applied Sciences Group is a subgroup of the Jyväskylä City Corporation. The domicile of the City Corporation is the City of Jyväskylä.

A copy of the consolidated financial statements is available at: City of Jyväskylä, Talouskeskus public utility, Heikinkatu 3 B, FI-40100 Jyväskylä.