Jamk Educates in 2020

More students than ever before graduated from Jamk University of Applied Sciences in 2020. Jamk clearly exceeded the degree targets set by the Ministry of Education and Culture. A record-breaking number of credits was again completed in Open Studies, too.

Student on a laptop in lounge.

The total number of degrees completed at Jamk in 2020 was 1,467, of which 1,217 were Bachelor's and 250 Master's degrees. Year on year, this represents an increase of 8% in Bachelor’s degrees (2019: 1,121) and 24% in Master’s degrees (2019: 201).

Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in JAMK 2017 - 2020. Numbers also in a table below.

The total number of degrees completed at Jamk in 2020 was 1,467, of which 1,217 were Bachelor's and 250 Master's degrees. Year on year, this represents an increase of 30% in Bachelor’s degrees (2019: 1,121) and 24% in Master’s degrees (2019: 201).

There was a particular increase in the degree numbers in Bachelor's programmes in Information and Communication Technology (45%), International Business (56%) and Tourism and Hospitality Management (42%).

“The students’ ability to seamlessly continue their studies when Jamk largely transitioned to distance learning due to the pandemic certainly had an impact on this. We have made efforts to support students as much as possible also in distance learning. On the other hand, the negative effects of the pandemic on the labour market in certain sectors may also be reflected in the exceptional number of degrees completed", says Kristiina Korhonen, Student Services Manager.

On 16 March 2020, Jamk switched to distance learning practically overnight. Distance learning continued to be the principal method of teaching until the end of 2020.

The Teacher Education College had 870 students, and 393 students qualified as vocational teachers in 2020 (2019: 390).

For degrees completed in each field and the targets set by the Ministry of Education and Culture, see the Table below.

Degree goals of Jamk University of Applied Sciences for 2017–2020

Classification in accordance with the agreement with the Ministry of Education and Culture Objective 2017-2020 on avg. Result 2020 Result 2019 Result 2018 Result 2017
Bachelor’s degrees in total 1063 1217 1121 1114 1165
  • Arts and cultural fields, educational

    fields, social sciences (Bachelor)
38 40 38 41 61
  • Humanistic fields, medical science and health and wellness fields (Bachelor)
325 360 330 347 364
  • Business management, administration

    and law and service fields (Bachelor)
320 405 330 356 359
  • Natural sciences, business information technology and telecommunications, technology fields and agriculture and forestry fields (Bachelor)
380 412 423 370 381
Master’s degrees in total 205 250 201 194 195
Those with completed Teacher Education training 390 393 390 321 404
Foreign degree students in total - 471 484 506 499
Number of exchange students leaving from and arriving to Finland:          
  • Those in exchange abroad more than 3 months
- 93 231 261 290
  • Those in exchange at Jamk more than 3 months
- 158 330 421 413


Another record-breaking year for Open Studies

In 2020, a total of 31,526 Open Studies credits were awarded at Jamk. This was an increase of 36% compared to 2019. An amazing 60% increase was seen in the number of students, as 4,582 people pursued Open Studies at Jamk.

Jamk has striven to support employment and upskilling through an experiment in which the unemployed, workers who have been laid off and asylum seekers can take any Open Studies free of charge. The decision on this matter was already made in January 2020, and it turned out to be particularly well-timed as the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world of work globally.

"More than 800 people around Finland made use of the possibility of studying at Jamk for free in 2020, accounting for one in four of our students. The figure includes students with a background in upper secondary, secondary and higher education alike”, says Administrative Planner Maarit Korva.

This was the eight year running that Jamk has broken its own record of credits awarded for Open Studies. The figures of 2020 mean that Jamk ranks fourth among all Finnish universities of applied sciences.