Processing of student information
The processing of the personal data of the students of Jamk University of Applied Sciences is based on a statutory task and the students’ legitimate interest to complete courses and utilise the benefits and services related to studying (EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679; Universities of Applied Sciences Act 932/2014; 1129/2014). If the information of students is to be used for any other purpose than a purpose based on legislation or the legitimate interest of students, permission is asked from the student.
Which data do we collect?
Students’ personal data and the students’ learner numbers are retrieved from the national database of higher education institutions maintained by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
Data related to the students’ study entitlement and study attainments is maintained in the student administration system in order for the students to complete courses, receive guidance and complete their degree and receive a certificate. Keeping the information up-to-date ensures the students’ legal protection and the realisation of statutory data collection conducted by institutions of higher education.
Where is the information coming from?
Primarily, personal data is always collected directly from the students during the application process or studies.
Students’ personal data and learner numbers are retrieved from the national database of higher education institutions maintained by the Finnish National Agency for Education (( /, where they have been stored by the applicants themselves. Data recorded in the system during the application phase is used by the university of applied sciences. The data recorded in the system during the application phase by those selected as students and those who have accepted their place at the university is transferred to the student administration system. During their study entitlement, students have the opportunity to update the information concerning themselves.
Students may also report their data through the short course system. This applies to students of open studies and anyone participating in other forms of education.
Personal data is also processed during studies in the electronic learning environment, for example, where personal data is processed to enable online studies.
How can I update/inspect my data?
Students may update their contact details in the student administration system and the library, for example. Data may be updated anytime during the studies. If students wish to inspect data that is not directly visible to them, they may submit an information request for their data. Students and those who have completed their studies have the right to inspect the personal data recorded about them.
Student services updates student information in the student administration systems upon request. The data of graduating students is updated based on the contact details in the certificate application, if necessary. Library customers may inspect their data in the library customer register by contacting the library directly, regardless of whether they are students.
Who is the data disclosed to?
Data is transferred to various authorities and the national higher education achievement register, where it is constantly updated for the needs of various authorities.
The personal data of students may be disclosed for research and marketing purposes with the student’s consent. Information disclosures for research purposes from the student register are always conducted via the Research Authorisation procedure.
Information concerning students who are applying for exchange studies abroad or some other international studies may be disclosed to partner institutions. Information may be disclosed to cooperation partners concerning shared courses implemented in cooperation with other institutions. Only data that is pertinent to the matter at hand will be disclosed.
Students or alumni may revoke the data disclosure consent they have given earlier either themselves or, after their studies are completed, by contacting Student Services.
- OILI, an enrolment and registration service for students -service (IT Center for Science Ltd. CSC)
- Oppijan seurantakyselyt (Only in Finnish; OKM, IT Center for Science Ltd. CSC)
- Professional practice rights (Valvira)
- Remote access use (Fiona) (Statistics Finland)
- Tuudo-service (IT Center for Science Ltd. CSC, Caleidon Oy)
- Koski, opintosuoritukset ja opiskeluoikeudet (Only in Finnish; OPH)
- UAF, University Admissions Finland –konsortio, kansainvälisen haun palvelu (IT Center for Science Ltd. CSC)
- ARVO-Opetushallinnon vaikuttavuustietopalvelu (Only in Finnish)
With the student’s consent, data is disclosed for marketing purposes, to the Jamk library and to the student union JAMKO, for example.
Data processing and storage
Each data processor processes personal data only in connection with their tasks and with their personal ID. The data is processed by applicant and student services in connection with the designated tasks, teachers for the purpose of recording study attainments, career tutors, people in charge of degrees and study counsellors for the purposes of providing guidance and advice. The data is also processed by the archivist in connection with electronic services as well as ICT services in the event they are asked to solve IT issues.
Student information is stored in accordance with the Jamk information management plan primarily for the duration of the studies (up to 6 years). Material related to entrance examinations is stored for two years in the event any complaints are filed. Exercise and exam material is stored for six months after the grade for the attainment has been entered into the register. (Universities of Applied Sciences Act 932/2014)
Data in the national higher education achievement register is stored permanently. Jamk stores any information on documents pertaining to theses as well as degree certificates and transcripts of records electronically and permanently (Decision of the National Archives of Finland AL/20757/ .