Friend Programme
International Services of Jamk University of Applied Sciences coordinates the Friend programme, which aims at familiarising foreign students with the Finnish culture and way of life through a local friend.
Each year Jamk receives new exchange and degree students from all over the world. The Friend programme offers them a chance to get to know Finland and the Finnish culture through everyday life. At the same time it offers locals a chance to internationalise, learn about other countries and cultures, as well as to practice and improve their language skills.

Participating in the Friend programme
The Friend programme is organised on voluntary basis. The friend and student decide together when and how often they want to meet, and what activities they participate in. The friend is not expected to support the student financially or to arrange expensive activities.
Friends can participate in the programme for a semester, an academic year or longer. They may also take a break from the programme and come back again later.
The students in the programme are either Jamk's exchange or degree students. Exchange students stay with us for one or two semesters and degree students for a couple years.
Who can participate in the programme?
The programme is open to exchange and degree students studying at Jamk, and to all locals who are interested in getting to know different cultures.
The most important thing is the wish to be a friend to a foreign student and to familiarise them into the Finnish way of life!
What to do together with your new friend?
The core idea of the Friend programme is to learn from each other. Many activities that we regard as self-evident about our own culture may be quite exotic for someone from another country.
The participants can join each other's hobbies and everyday life. Why not try a new sport, or cook your favourite foods together? Maybe go for a walk or have a cup of coffee, go to the movies or museums, it's up to you.
Jamk's International Services also organises events for the participants, such as a pre-Christmas party and a spring get-together.
How to enroll in the programme?
Friends and students can apply for the Friend programme via our online platform. In the registration form you can tell about your hobbies and interests and add possible wishes regarding the match (e.g. concerning language skills, hobbies, interests etc.).
The software matches friends and students based on the submitted information. After both parties have confirmed the match, they receive each others' contact information. Then they can start corresponding with each other and agree to meet according to their own schedules and wishes.
When is the best time to enroll in the programme?
There is a constant need for more friends in the programme! Hence, registration is always open.
Most matches are made at the beginning of each semester, when new students start their studies at Jamk. If you enroll in the programme mid-semester, the student's commitment to the programme may be shorter.
Experiences on the Friend programme
Family Silvennoinen has been a part of the Friend programme for several years. The family tells that meetings with their student friend usually shape around the family's daily chores and hobbies. They highlight the fact that the meetings require no special arrangements. In fact, it is best to have the student friend as a part of the family's normal everyday life.
Being a part of the Friend programme and getting to know new students has brought "the world into our living room", says the family Silvennoinen. Thanks to the meetings with their student friend, they feel like their language skills have improved without much extra effort. Additionally, dealing with foreign students has brought new perspectives into their own environment and enhanced their intercultural understanding.
To foreign students meetings with their friend family have provided an opportunity to gain insight into the Finnish culture as well. The students have been delighted to see what the everyday life of a family looks like in Finland. Both at home and in the free time.