
Opettaja pöydän ääressä kirjastossa opiskelijoiden kanssa

Guidance and InfoGuides

Library helps with information seeking

Library gives guidance to students in information seeking skills along their studies. Jamk students are having information seeking guidance based on Jamk Curricula and the International Framework for Information Literacy.   

 The Thesis Sauna is an online guidance for individual or small groups, for thesis writers in Jamk who need extra help with finding literature or other related information on their thesis subject. You can book an appointment by using the form which can be attached the current version of the thesis plan. 

Please find further information on the library’s guidance and schedules during the thesis process from the Moodle learning environment. The library has the “Tiedonhaun työpajat / Information Seeking Workshops” course as a part of the thesis process for both bachelor’s and master’s students