Professional Teacher Education Student
Quality Work and Student Feedback
The quality work of the Jamk University of Applied Sciences and its procedures are based on the principle of continuous improvement. This means always doing things a bit better than the last time. Quality work is the responsibility of everyone at Jamk, and students play a central role in it.
The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) has audited Jamk’s quality system. The audit is valid for 6 years from 20 May 2019 onwards. Jamk's quality system fulfils the national criteria set for the quality management of higher education institutions, and the system corresponds to the European quality assurance principles and recommendations for higher education institutions.
The European quality assurance standards require universities to periodically conduct a thorough evaluation of their degree programmes. The periodic evaluation of education is Jamk's response to the European and national requirements concerning the thorough and periodic evaluation of the programmes (incl. degree programmes and professional teacher education programmes).
The periodic evaluation of the Professional Teacher Education Programme 60 ECTS was carried out in 2020. The result was approved. All the evaluated targets (curriculum, learning process and outcomes) are at an acceptable level. Next evaluation will be in six years’ time.
Give feedback and make a difference!
The feedback procedures are an essential part of the quality work. Student feedback is collected in order to develop the Professional Teacher Education’s operations. It is collected for the needs of the administration, support services and teacher educators. The feedback information is primarily used to support curriculum work and develop learning environments and the facilitation of learning.
At the start of the studies, feedback is collected from the students concerning the start of the education. The feedback provides information on how the new students’ studies have started, and what kind of development needs they have discovered in the operation at the start of the education.
During the education process, information necessary for the study process and counselling is collected (continuous feedback). The teacher educators collect information and feedback from their students, which makes planning and implementing counselling in different student groups meaningful. Continuous feedback is collected regularly, starting from the orientation to studies and ending with a summative final evaluation. The teacher educators process the feedback received from their student groups.
If the feedback the teacher educators receive from their students requires development measures that in turn require the reallocation of resources, for example, the issue is escalated to the head of department and the management team of the School of Professional Teacher Education. The corrective measures are initiated either immediately, if necessary, or they are implemented as a part of the planning for the next academic year.
In the graduation phase, feedback on the realisation of the education and study process and its results is collected through the so-called final feedback. It is assumed that at the end of the studies, the respondents have a clear view of the studies as a whole, and the students can assess the importance of different areas in a meaningful way. The Support Services collect feedback on the availability and functionality of the student services as a part of the feedback given at the end of the studies. The feedback information is used in curriculum work as well as in developing the methods of implementing the education and student services.
Final feedback questionnaire for students is available in Moodle learning environment.
The professional teacher education and post-degree programmes’ effectiveness is assessed through follow-up surveys every two years.
Student feedback is processed jointly at the staff meetings during the academic year. The results are also discussed by the unit management team. The Head of Department makes the necessary corrections to the curriculum content and implementation methods based on the joint discussion and analysis.
Further information
In questions related to the quality of education and studies, you can contact the Head of Department or the Quality Manager of Jamk. They are responsible for the development and functioning of the quality system.

Jari Kalavainen

Tero Janatuinen

Jaana Kaarakainen