Professional Teacher Education Student

New Professional Teacher Education Student

You are warmly welcome to start the teacher’s pedagogical studies at the School of Professional Teacher Education, Jamk University of Applied Sciences!

This page contains some general information that will help you to get a smoother start for your pedagogical studies. We wish you a most inspiring and meaningful academic year!

Information for the academic year 2025-2026 will be updated during May 2025.

Network user ID, password and Jamk systems

All Jamk students will have a personal network ID (i.e. username) available to them. You will get your personal network ID and a possibility to define your password in TUNNISTUS-service ( with your Finnish online bank account from May 23th, 2025. If you do not have a suitable online bank account ID or there are some other problems using the service, please contact student services (by email: opiskelijapalvelut.aokk(at) 

More information can be found also at Username and password | Helpdesk and Instructions (

Your personal network user ID is also your student number. The user ID is required when you log on to the Jamk network, use e-mail and other Jamk services and systems.

The ID is valid during your studies, and it is used to log on to Jamk systems.
Peppi Student and study information system:
Moodle Learning environment:
Office 365 (email, Office-tools):
Your email is formed as: [email protected].
Zoom Online meeting system: (see introduction in a separate attachment)

Before the start of your studies, please get familiar with the tools for new students: Digital learning skills (

Enrollment for attendance

Students must enroll for attendance every academic year (or semester) via Jamk’s Peppi student and study information system ( Please note that new students have been automatically enrolled for the autumn semester 2025. You can make the enrollment for the spring 2026 semester during May 23th - August 21st, 2025. Enrollment can be done by using the personal network ID. Please note that only those enrolled for attendance have a right to study.

Instructions for the enrollment can be found here:
Enrollment for Attendance or Non-attendance | Peppi (

It is possible to defer the start of studies only based on maternity leave, military service or serious illness (medical certificate required), however you still need to inform your teacher educator and student services (opiskelijapalvelut.aokk(at)

Study units

New students have been automatically enrolled for the mandatory study units, which are mentioned below:

Understanding Learning 6 cr 
The Future of Education 6 cr
Facilitating Learning 14 cr
Equality and Equity in Teaching and Guidance 5 cr
Teacher as a Pedagogical Inquirer 8 cr 
Teacher´s Work Environment 5 cr
Developing a Professional Teacher Identity 6 cr

Enrollment for the Optional courses (2 x 5 cr) can be done in the autumn semester 2024. We will send you more information on enrollment for optional courses to your student email later on autumn semester.

Enrollment instructions can be found at: Enrollment for Course Implementations | Peppi (

Note that you cannot start a course unless you have enrolled on it and your enrollment has been confirmed in the Peppi system. You must also have enrolled for attendance before you can enroll on a course.

Study Guide

The Study Guide contains practical information about enrollments, study time and student support services. It also provides descriptions of the teacher education study modules and courses, including their objectives, contents and assessment.

Study Guide 2024 - 2025 is available online on our website at Professional Teacher Education Student | JAMK University of Applied Sciences - JAMK. We recommend that you get acquainted with the Study Guide as it will be an important tool for your studies.

Learning sessions 2024-2025

Your studies will begin with a online study orientation on June 3rd, 2024. 

You can see the dates of the learning sessions for the academic year 2024-2025 below. Participation in learning sessions is essential for the smoothness and progress of your studies.

Learning sessions 2024-2025

  • 3 June 2024: info session (online)
  • 27-28 August 2024: face-to-face learning session in Jyväskylä
  • 4 September 2024: learning group (online)
  • 12 September 2024: hybrid learning session
  • 19 September 2024: learning group (online)
  • 9 October 2024: hybrid learning session
  • 31 October 2024: learning group (online)
  • 3 December 2024: hybrid learning session
  • 4 February 2025: learning group (online)
  • 11 March 2025: hybrid learning session
  • 2 April 2025: learning group (online)
  • 7 May 2025: hybrid learning session

Starting the studies during summer

Studies will begin with the Online Study Orientation on Monday June 3rd, 2024, at 12.00 -14.00. (Finnish time). The programme of the session and link to Zoom-online meeting has been emailed to the students on 30th of April 2024 (document: Programme June 3 2024).

Basic Studies in Education

Professional Teacher Education in the Digital Era -programme includes studies in educational sciences: Understanding Learning (6 ECTS) and the Future of Education (6 ECTS).

If you wish, you can study these courses independently during the summer, starting from June 3rd, 2024. You can find the courses and instructions in Moodle workspace. Please note that the teacher educators are on summer break during the summer and guidance is not available during June and July 2024.

Potential credit transfers

Some of the teacher education courses can be substituted i.e. credits transferred. There are different ways for credit transfer, which are described in the Study Guide (will be published in the beginning of June 2024). 

Credit transfer is based on an application either for the substitution, inclusion or recognition of prior learning. These credit transfer possibilities will be explained further in the first face-to-face session on Aug 27th – 28th, 2024.

However, credit transfer for Basic Studies in Education offered by Jamk (Understanding Learning 6 cr and The Future of Education 6 cr) will be recorded by the student services in a student’s study register Peppi during September 2024, if a student has attached either of the following documents to his/ her application:
          1) a certificate of previous university studies either on Basic Studies in Education, Adult Education or Vocational Pedagogy worth 25 credit points (equivalent to 15 credit units) completed according to the degree requirements of a Finnish university or
          2) a recognition decision by the Finnish National Agency for Education with a requirement to study 15-20 credits’ didactical and teaching practice studies.

Jamk main campus

Here you can find the location and other information about Jamk main campus area.

Talent Boost

We will do all we can to help you with your studies and to proceed with your career. All paths are individual but typically the options are to work in Finland, work abroad, continue at further studies in Finland or abroad. Our services support in making your dreams come true. We want you to pay attention in finding a career in Finland. The essential aspects are to learn Finnish language and build networks. 

Please click the links below to know more about the Talent Boost services


Henriikka Lahtinen

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Opettajankoulutukset, Teacher Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

Marika Salminen

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Opettajankoulutukset, Teacher Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education


Katariina Jouhiaho

Opinto-ohjaaja, Study Counsellor
Opettajankoulutukset, Teacher Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education