Professional Teacher Education Student
Study Guide 20-21
You can accredit competences you have acquired in other studies, in working life or in other contexts. The forms of accreditation are substitution, inclusion and recognition of prior learning.

Figure 4: Accrediting
Substitution refers to substituting the courses/studies with corresponding courses/studies completed elsewhere in the same field of study. The following Teacher Education courses (i.e. Basics of Educational Sciences) can be accredited through substitution:
- Understanding Adult Learning (8 cr)
- Education and Society (8 cr)
You can include 5–15 credits’ worth of studies completed elsewhere in Developing Pedagogical Skills and Competence (15 credits) if the studies support your personal objectives for Professional Teacher Education and they have been completed after 1 January 2018. The staff at the School of Professional Teacher Education will make the decision about the inclusion of the studies you have suggested.
Recognition of prior learning
The starting point of recognition of prior learning is the competences described in the curriculum. If you have those competences, you can apply for recognition of prior learning.
The Professional Teacher Education studies that can be accredited through the recognition of prior learning are the following:
- Teacher’s Work Environment (8 cr)
- Developing Pedagogical Skills and Competences (15 cr)
In order to have the competences related to the Teacher’s Work Environment course accredited, you will assess, describe and demonstrate that you have the competences described in the course description. The staff members at the School of Professional Teacher Education will assess your competences and make the decision based on the materials you provide.
For Developing Pedagogical Skills and Competences course, you can accredit 5, 10, or 15 credits of prior competence that you have acquired in working life or in another environments. To have your prior competences recognised, you will need to assess, describe and demonstrate your competences according to the instructions given. The staff members at the School of Professional Teacher Education will assess your competences and make the decision based on the materials you provide.
The study counsellor makes the evaluation decisions in the cases of substitution and inclusion, and in the case of recognition of prior learning, the evaluation decision will be made by your teacher educator.
The instructions and forms for the substitution, inclusion and recognition of prior learning can be found online >> Instructions and forms.