Degree Student

New Transfer Student

Great to have you with us! To start your studies, please follow the steps on this page. Take care to follow the deadlines to ensure your new study place. 

1. Accept your study place

You can accept the study place online at

  1. If you have Finnish banking codes you can accept the study place at Just click “Go to My Studyinfo” to sign in with your banking codes to accept the study place and enroll as a student. The final deadline to accept the study place is 31 July 2025 at 3 p.m.
  2. If you do not have the Finnish National Identification Number you received an automatic email when the results were published, thus, you are able to enter via a link that you received in the email and accept the study place.
  3. If there are any problems or you cannot enter (you do not have the banking codes or you did not receive the email mentioned above), please contact the Student Services as soon as possible (studentservices(at) We can provide you a document which allows you to accept the study place via paper document.

Notice that you need to accept the study place by 31 July 2025 at 3 p.m. If one has not accepted the study place by the deadline the study place is cancelled.

2. Enroll for Attendance or Non-attendance

After you have accepted the study place you also need to enroll attendance/non-attendance at Students must enroll for attendance (=attending) or non-attendance (=absent). Only those enrolled for attendance have the right to register for courses and pursue the studies. If you do NOT enroll for attendance or non-attendance by 31 July 2025 at 3 p.m. you will lose the study place.

You may enroll for non-attendance only in the case of illness that prevent you from starting your studies, pregnancy/parenting leave, or Finnish military service. If you are going to enroll for non-attendance, you need to provide us with a document that proves of one of these reasons for absence. The document must be delivered to Jamk Student Services by 31 July 2025 at 3 p.m. at the latest

Note, in case you need to pay tuition fees (you are not an EU citizen and do not hold one of the exempting documents, such as a permanent residence in Finland), then you cannot enroll as a student before you have paid the tuition fee.

Kindly note that after you have accepted a study place and enrolled at Jamk, your earlier study right at your previous UAS ends at the end of the semester.

3. Submit application certificates

Attach your final original transcript of records to you application or send it by email to Jamk Student Services on 15 August 2025 by 3 p.m. Finnish time at the latest.

email: studentservices(at)


4. Get your Jamk username

Read the Jamk network usage rules and instructions to receive a user code.

If you don't have Finnish bank codes, you will get separate instructions to verify your identity by Candour ID app. After successful identity verification, Jamk Student Services will send you the Jamk username by email.

You need the username for access to Elmo intranet. On Elmo, you can find new student’s site that includes information on important dates, times and places. Add Elmo to your bookmarks to see e.g. student news, events, and internships and job opportunities for students!

You are warmly welcome to study in Jamk and Jyväskylä!

5. Start the accreditation process and begin your studies

After you have accepted your study place at Jamk and enrolled as an attending student, you can start the accreditation process. You can find more information on the acceptance email sent to you.

Book a time for discussion with your Career tutor.

Remember to also enroll for the course implementations, in which you intend to participate, in the Peppi student administration system during the enrolment period. You can find Academic calendar and enrolment period times at the link below.

6. Become a member of JAMKO (voluntary)

Student union JAMKO will support you throughout your studies. JAMKO is Jamk UAS' student benefit organization and students' own community, which promotes issues that are important to students, takes care of students rights and brings the student's voice to Jamk's decision-making. In addition, JAMKO organizes events, services and monetary benefits for its members. When you become a member, you get an official student card, with which you get all the national student discounts, but also benefits negotiated by JAMKO. JAMKO membership is available to degree students enrolled at Jamk UAS, also exchange students. 

Read more on JAMKO's website and become a member.