Degree Student

New Degree Student

You have been selected as a new student at Jamk University of Applied Sciences. Congratulations! Follow the instructions found on this website and please notice the deadlines.

Students at lecture

Before you begin your studies

Steps to take immediately after you have received information about the study place.

1. Accept the study place

Make sure to accept the study place as soon as possible. This way you can proceed smoothly with all the other preparations, including the residence permit process. 

  • The final deadline to accept the study place is on 10 July 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time (UTC+3)
  • If you have been accepted from waiting list, please follow the given personal schedule. 
  • If you do not accept the study place by the deadline the study place is cancelled and given for the first person on the waiting list. 

Accept the study place at Studyinfo according to your situation:

  • If you do not have the Finnish National Identification Number or Finnish online banking credentials, please use the link on the notification email sent from to accept the study place. The email was sent when the results were published.
  • If you have Finnish online banking credentials, sign in to (Go to "My Studyinfo”) with your banking credentials to accept the study place.
  • If you have the Finnish National Identification Number but do not have Finnish online banking credentials, request a confirmation form from Student Services.

You may accept only one study place leading to a higher education degree in Finland during one academic term (1.8.-31.12. or 1.1.-31.7.). Accepting a study place is a binding choice which cannot be canceled or changed later. When you accept a study place bindingly, all your other study programmes will automatically be cancelled.

If you experience any problems or you cannot access (you do not have the banking codes or you did not receive the email mentioned above), please contact Jamk Student Services as soon as possible studentservices(at)

If you have graduated from IB/EB high school degree during the spring of applying, you must submit your final grades/certificate for Student Services by 10 July 2025. Please read more information: 6. Submit your final documents.

More information:

2. Pay the tuition fee (if needed)

The tuition fees for NON-EU/EEA students who will start their studies after 1 August 2025 is 10 000€/academic year for bachelor's degrees taught in English and 12 000€/academic year for master's degrees taught in English.

Jamk does not offer scholarship for the first year payment.

There are NO tuition fees for Finnish or other EU/EEA-citizens.

Before paying the tuition fee, please read the full instructions and rules of the tuition fees and scholarships from the links below. Please note that by paying the tuition fee, the student commits to the rules for tuition fee and scholarship system of Jamk and understands that enrollment as an attending student will be done based on the payment for the first year of studies.

The admission of the student is conditional until the tuition fee is paid and Jamk has received a confirmation of the payment. After we have received your payment, you will receive a receipt of the payment (this may take a few banking days). You need the receipt for the residence permit process.

Please pay the tuition fee as soon as possible to start the residence permit application process immediately, and to be able to start your studies on August 2025. The final deadline for paying the invoice of the tuition fee is on 10 July 2025.

Documents exempting from paying the tuition fee

Did you receive a document that exempts you from paying the tuition fee after sending the application for joint application? Find out further information here. If you are exempted from paying the tuition fees (other than Finnish citizens), remember to submit the original document that exempted you from paying the tuition fees.

3. Enroll for attendance or non-attendance

After you have accepted the study place you also need to enroll for attendance (=attending) or non-attendance (=absent) on by 10 July 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time (UTC+3).

You may enroll for non-attendance only in the case of

  • illness that prevent you from starting your studies
  • pregnancy/parenting leave or 
  • Finnish military service or civil service in accordance with the Conscription Act, Non-Military Service Act or Act on Women's Voluntary Military Service

If you are enrolling for non-attendance, you need to provide a document that proves of one of these reasons for absence. The document must be submitted for Jamk Student Services by 10 July 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. Tuition fee is not paid for semesters when the student has enrolled for non-attendance.

Only those enrolled for attendance have the right to register for courses and pursue the studies. If you do NOT enroll for attendance or non-attendance by 10 July 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time, you will lose the study right.

In case you need to pay tuition fee, you will be enrolled as an attending student based on your payment:

  • Tuition fee payment of a first year student is considered as an indicator of enrolment as an attending student. 
  • The enrolment for the first academic year is done on service on behalf of the student, based on their tuition fee payment. 
  • After the first year, students must enrol by themselves for attendance/non-attendance via the Peppi system of Jamk every semester during the enrolment period.

The admission of the student is conditional until the student has enrolled for the academic year.

4. Start the visa/residence permit/registration application procedure (if needed)

Non-EU citizens

Start your residence permit process IMMEDIATELY, carefully following the immigration authorities' instructions and regulations, so that you can receive your permit before your studies begin. 

  • The visa/residence permit application process might take over two months, so be in time!
  • Note that you need to be in Finland by 30 September to submit your original certificates in person. Otherwise your study place will be cancelled. More information in section 10. Verification of original school documents by 30 September 2025.

Non-EU/EEA students need a student residence permit for studying in Finland. The residence permits are granted by the Finnish Immigration Service. You can find detailed information and advice on the residence permit requirements and procedures on the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) website.

Please notice, that Jamk does not process the visa / residence permit applications nor can give any advice or guidance regarding the application process. Please contact Finnish Immigration Service in all issues regarding this matter.

Finnish personal identity code:

You can request to be registered in the Finnish Population Information System at your residence card application. This way you can get a Finnish personal identity code, which is needed for our student registration system. Having a personal identity code also enables for example paying of salaries, banking. If you were not issued a personal identity code together with your residence permit card, you must visit a service location of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency in person. For more information, visit the website of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency

Please inform your Finnish personal identity code to Jamk's Student Services as soon as you have received it.

EU citizens

If you are a citizen of an European union (EU) member state, a Nordic country, Liechtenstein or Switzerland, you do not need a residence permit to stay in Finland but you need to register your right of residence. Please read more from the website of Migri.

Having a Finnish personal identity code enables for example payment of salaries, banking and is needed for our student registration system. After the Finnish Immigration Service has registered your right of residence as an EU citizen in Finland, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency can grant you a Finnish personal identity code. For more information about obtaining a personal identity code, see the website of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

5. Organise your accommodation and living in Jyväskylä, Finland

Did you know that your future home city is one of the most popular student cities in Finland?

Jyväskylä offers a lot of possibilities for student accommodation. Jamk does not have dormitories or accommodation possibilities at the campuses. You are responsible for finding and organising the accommodation for yourself and you can get started by looking at the options through the links below.

Useful links

Other living costs

All students have to buy laptop, books and other educational material themselves as well as take care of their own travelling and living costs. Average monthly living cost in Finland for students are estimated to be about 800-1200 euros (eg. accommodation, food, public transport, study materials, health care, clothing, and leisure activities).

Students must make sure that their incomes cover basic living costs for the entire time spent studying in Finland. Sufficient income is a prerequisite for residence permit, which has to be verified on applying for the permit. Further information on the income requirement of the Finnish Immigration Service.

6. Submit your final documents

Bachelor's degree students

If you have graduated during spring, you need to attach also final certificates to your online application on (question: Certificates required in connection with student selection (UAS)) by 10 July 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. If you have problems with this deadline, please contact Student Services.

  • If you have completed Matriculation examination (ylioppilastutkinto) in Finland after year 1989 or vocational qualification (ammatillinen perustutkinto, ammatti- tai erikoisammattitutkinto) in Finland after year 2017, we are able to verify your degree directly from a national register, thus it is not necessary to submit final certificates.

The student selection is conditional until the final certificate(s) has been checked. If you fail to submit copies of your certificates or have given false or insufficient information concerning your certificates, your study place will be cancelled.

IB/EB degree student graduates, final grades:

If you have graduated during the spring of applying you must provide your final grades/certificate to your online application on or the Student Services by 10 July 2025  at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. 

IB (International Baccalaureate) / EB (European Baccalaureate) degree students graduating in the spring of applying are part of the certificate-based selection with the predicted grades. For this reason the final diploma has to be checked. In case your final grades are lower than the predicted grades, it might affect on the student selection. If you have been admitted by certificate-based selection, you must have completed the IB/EB Diploma. 

The student selection is conditional until the final certificate has been checked. If you are unsure about your final results, please contact Admission Services (admissions(at) before you proceed with your admission process.

Master's degree students

In case you were unable to submit your final degree certificate, or you did not meet the work experience requirement of having at least two years (24 months) of relevant work experience during the application period, you need to submit up-to-date certificates to your online application on (question: Certificates required in connection with student selection (UAS)) by 10 July 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time at the latest (you can count in work experience until 31 July 2025).

The student selection is conditional until the final certificates/documents has been checked. If you fail to submit copies of your certificates/documents or have given false or insufficient information concerning your documents, your study place will be cancelled.

7. Get your Jamk username and sign in to Elmo (in June-July)

Read the Jamk network usage rules and instructions to receive a username.

If you don't have Finnish bank codes, you will get separate instructions to verify your identity by Candour ID app in June - July, if needed. After successful identity verification, Jamk Student Services will send you the Jamk username by email.

You need the username for access to Elmo intranet. On Elmo, you can find new student’s site that includes information on important dates, times and places. Add Elmo to your bookmarks to see e.g. student news, events, and internships and job opportunities for students!

8. Do the Pre-Assignment

Browse through Jamk Help's Learning website before the orientation period.

Beginning of studies

Steps to take at the beginning of studies.

9. Start your studies

Studies will begin in August or September 2025 at the Jamk’s campus in Jyväskylä, Finland. The studies will start with an Orientation week. Please check the programme specific Orientation week dates from New Student Pages in Elmo Intra. You must be at school by that time. 

Note that you need to be in Finland by 30 September at the very latest to submit your original certificates in person. Otherwise your study place will be cancelled. More information in section Verification of original school documents by 30 September 2025. 

10. Verification of original school documents by 30 September 2025

As a part of your application process, your original final school documents will be checked in the beginning of your studies. Please make sure you have your original school documents when you arrive to study at Jamk.

  • The original final school documents must have been submitted to Jamk's Admission Services by 30 September 2025, 2.00 pm Finnish time at the latest.
  • The documents must be submitted personally at the Jamk’s campus.
  • Please notice that you must present an identification document (a passport, official ID-card with a photo or Finnish residence permit with a photo) when submitting and collecting the certificates.

Admission Services can be met on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on service desk (B1-corridor, main Campus). Please check possible changes in the opening hours here.

If you do not present the original documents personally by 30 September 2025 2.00 pm Finnish time at the latest, or have given false or insufficient information concerning your certificates, your study place will be cancelled.

Bachelor's degree students

If you have completed Matriculation examination (ylioppilastutkinto) in Finland after year 1989 or vocational qualification (ammatillinen perustutkinto, ammatti- tai erikoisammattitutkinto) in Finland after year 2017, we are able to verify your degree directly from a national register, thus it is not necessary to present original documents.

11. Services of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) (mandatory)

Students who study for a bachelor’s or a master’s level degree from a University of Applied Sciences will be entitled to use the versatile health services of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS).

You must pay the student healthcare fee if you have registered as attending for the current semester. The healthcare fee covers medical care and mental health services as well as oral health services from the Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS). You must pay the fee even if you use occupational or other health services instead of the FSHS.

You are not billed for the student healthcare fee but must make sure to pay it in OmaKela for each academic semester. The due date for paying the student healthcare fee is determined based on the date on which you register as attending. The due date for the autumn semester is 15 November, assuming that you register as attending by 30 September.

If you have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country, Switzerland, Great Britain or Northern Ireland, you do not have to pay the healthcare fee, but you must still contact Kela. However, you can use the FSHS’s services. Visit Kela’s website for information about how to proceed if you have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country, Switzerland, Great Britain or Northern Ireland.

12. Become a member of JAMKO (voluntary)

Student union JAMKO will support you throughout your studies. JAMKO is Jamk UAS' student benefit organization and students' own community, which promotes issues that are important to students, takes care of students rights and brings the student's voice to Jamk's decision-making. In addition, JAMKO organizes events, services and monetary benefits for its members. When you become a member, you get an official student card, with which you get all the national student discounts, but also benefits negotiated by JAMKO. JAMKO membership is available to degree students enrolled at Jamk UAS, also exchange students. 

Read more on JAMKO's website and become a member.