Exchange student
How to Apply for Exchange at Jamk?

Who can apply for an exchange or double degree period at Jamk?
Admissions criteria for exchange students
Valid agreement between Jamk and the home institution
- Exchanges are based on mobility agreements between Jamk and the partner institutions. Applicants should contact the home institution’s International Office to find out whether a co-operation agreement exists.
- The number of exchange places, number of semesters etc. are determined in the agreements and may affect the number of students Jamk can accept.
- Agreements are often School and study area specific. Students should always apply to the School and study area specified in the agreement.
- Any exceptions to the above must be agreed upon beforehand.
Success in studies
- If the number of applicants exceeds the agreed exchange places, the students with the highest academic standing will be considered first.
Language requirements
- Sufficient proficiency in English (minimum level: B1 - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), since the language of instruction for exchange students at Jamk is English.
- It is the home institutions’ responsibility to make sure that the students’ language skills are sufficient for an exchange period abroad (official language certificate is not required).
Studies to be completed during the exchange
- Students are strongly recommended to complete 30 ECTS per semester.
- Students must choose minimum 20 ECTS of their courses from the School and study area specified in the agreement. Students choosing too many courses outside the agreement, may have their application rejected.
- Studies/practical training completed at Jamk must be a part of the student's degree in their home institution.
Duration of the exchange
- The maximum duration of the exchange is one academic year.
- The duration of the autumn semester at Jamk is generally 4 months and the spring semester 4– 5 months (depending on the School).
- Exchange students must be nominated by their home institution.
Application documents
- The online exchange application must be duly filled in and submitted by Jamk’s application deadline.
Final approval
- Jamk reserves the right to reject any application not meeting the criteria above.
- Jamk as the receiving institution makes the final decision on approving students according to its own internal processes, schedules and resources.
Additional admissions criteria for double degree students
The eligibility of Jamk double degree students from foreign partner institutions has been verified by their home institutions, so they do not have to meet the general admission requirements of degree students at Jamk.
The students arriving to complete a double degree at Jamk are selected according to the following criteria adopted by Jamk’s Academic Board:
- at least one year of studies at the home institution
- studies at the home institution have progressed according to the curriculum
- suitability or the ability to adjust to a new culture and cope with studies in a foreign language (It is the home institutions’ responsibility to make sure that the students’ language skills are sufficient for participating in the double degree programme abroad.)
- motivation based on a letter prepared by the student (a part of the online application) and a possible interview carried out by the institution’s representative
- NOTE! In the master-level double degree programmes the student is required to have two years of work experience.
Studies for exchange students
Jamk offers a variety of different study fields for exchange students to choose from. All the courses offered for exchange students are taught in English! The courses are part of our curricula for degree students. Thus, there is usually a good mix of degree students and exchange students from all over the world in each class.
The exchange/double degree study programmes and courses are listed by Schools below.
Please keep in mind that the courses for the next academic year are published by early May at the latest. There may be some updates to the spring semester courses during mid-September.
School of Business
Exchange Study Programmes and Courses
- Business (Bachelor, EFMD Accredited Bachelor and in the process of AACSB accreditation)
- International Business Management (Master)
- Sport Business (Bachelor)
- Sport Business Management (Master)
- Tourism Management (Bachelor)
- Service Business focus on Sustainable Gastronomy (Bachelor)
- Business Information Technology focus on Game Production (Bachelor)
Double Degree Study Programmes and Courses
- International Business (Bachelor)
Double degree study programmes are only available for partner institutions with a valid double degree agreement. Students interested in the programme must contact their home institution’s International Office to find out if a double degree agreement exists and if there are specific course requirements.
Special Study Abroad Programmes
- If you are a fee-paying student applying for a special study programme in business, the regular exchange student nomination/application process and support services do not apply! For more information, contact the the study programme coordinator.
School of Technology
Exchange Study Programmes
- Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (Bachelor, EUR-ACE accredited)
- Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor, EUR-ACE accredited)
- Information and Communications Technology (Bachelor, EUR-ACE accredited)
- Electrical and Automation Engineering (Bachelor)
- Agricultural and Rural Industries (Bachelor, only in the spring semester from March to June)
- Construction and Civil Engineering (Bachelor, only in the autumn semester)
Double Degree Study Programmes
- Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor)
- Electrical and Automation Engineering (Bachelor)
Double degree study programmes are only available for partner institutions with a valid double degree agreement. Students interested in the programme must contact their home institution’s International Office to find out if a double degree agreement exists and if there are specific course requirements.
School of Health and Social Studies
Exchange Study Programmes
- Nursing (Bachelor)
- Physiotherapy (Bachelor)
- Rehabilitation Counselling (Bachelor)
- Occupational Therapy (Bachelor)
- Midwifery (Bachelor)
- Social Services (Bachelor)
- Music/Music Pedagogue (Bachelor)
Practical Training Placements
- Only very few practical training placements can be arranged per semester. If you are interested in practical training, ask your international coordinator to contact us.
- You are always welcome to choose studies from the listed theory courses, if no placements are available.
- If applying for practical training, the preferred content of the traineeship must be described in the application.
Double Degree Study Programmes
- Health Care and Social Services (Master, contact the programme's academic advisor for course listings)
Double degree study programmes are only available for partner institutions with a valid double degree agreement. Students interested in the programme must contact their home institution’s International Office to find out if a double degree agreement exists and if there are specific course requirements.
Semester dates
Check the official beginning and ending date for our autumn and spring semester below. These dates are shown in the Letter of Confirmation and Transcript of Records after your exchange, too.
Academic calendar 2024-2025
Official semester dates for exchange and double degree students run as follows:
Autumn Semester:
- 15 August 2024 - 18 December 2024
- Orientation: 15 - 16 August 2024
Spring Semester:
- 7 January 2025 - 19 May 2025
- Orientation: 8-9 January 2025
- Orientation: 8-9 January 2025
- 6 February 2025 - 19 May/19 June 2025 (note: School of Business only)
- Orientation: 6-7 February 2025
- NB: Service Business focus on Sustainable Gastronomy and Business Information Technology studies begin already in January! Within Tourism Management it is possible to start either in January or February. Check the timing and starting date of the courses carefully!
IMPORTANT: School of Business students who arrive in February are expected to complete the spring and summer semesters. Spring semester ends on May 19th and the summer semester runs from May 20th to June 19th. Plan courses accordingly.
During autumn and spring break there are no classes, but students may have assignments to complete.
- Autumn Break: 14 October 2024 - 20 October 2024
- Spring Break: 24 February 2025 - 2 March 2025
Application Process
The following instructions are for exchange and double degree students within regular exchange programmes.
For details regarding Special Study Programmes in Business (fees apply), contact the study programme coordinator.
Step 1: First things first
Does your home institution have a valid exchange agreement for your study field with Jamk? If yes, can you find suitable courses in our course listings?
The listings are for the whole academic year and the courses are not grouped by semesters. Remember to click on the name of each course you're interested in to check the upcoming implementations and description of the course.
Check the academic calendar. Our semester dates might be different than at your home institution, make sure that the timing fits your studies.
Step 2: Online nomination by home institution
Ask your home institution to nominate you for an exchange period at Jamk. The nomination must be done by your home institution representative through our online nomination form.
The nomination deadlines:
- 30 April for exchange periods in the following autumn semester
- 15 October for exchange periods in the following spring semester
Late nominations can be agreed upon, but the actual application and all attachments must be submitted by the application deadline!
Nominated students will automatically receive a link to fill in the application via Mobility Online right after the nomination has been submitted.
Step 3: Fill in Jamk's exchange application in Mobility Online
Once you have received the registration link to Mobility Online, you can start the application process. The application is divided into several sections, but Mobility Online will guide you step by step. Just make sure that you complete all the steps, upload the supporting documents and fill in the Learning Agreement in Mobility Online by the application deadline. Late applications are not accepted.
Application deadlines:
- 15 May for exchange periods in the following autumn semester
- 31 October for exchange periods in the following spring semester
Remember to check your email and the application workflow in the system actively to see what's coming next. Fill in your personal details and upload the supporting documents. Do not send any documents via email.
Supporting documents needed:
- Copy of passport
- Copy of your most recent transcript (in English) from your home institution
- If your home institution requires its own Learning Agreement, please upload it with signatures from you and your home institution.
- Music students only: Send or provide a link to a sample of your music.
Step 4: Learning Agreement
After we have checked your supporting documents, you can fill in the Learning Agreement in Mobility Online. Make the best possible plan you can with the information you have, and prepare yourself for changes.
Remember to select
- 30 ECTS per semester
- at least 20 ECTS from the School and study programme in question
- double-check the upcoming implementations of each course to make sure they're offered during your exchange semester
The Learning Agreement is a preliminary study plan, signed by the student, home institution and Jamk before the exchange. However, enrollment to courses is not guaranteed according to your choices in the Learning Agreement. Changes in the Schools' course offer may occur due to various reasons.
If needed, you can change your course selections and update your Learning Agreement in Mobility Online after you have started your studies.
Step 5: Wait for the acceptance decision
The applications are processed after the application period has ended. The acceptance decisions and practical information is sent
- by mid-June for exchanges starting in the autumn
- by the end of November for exchanges starting in the spring
Jamk unfortunately cannot guarantee acceptance to every applicant. Do not make any practical arrangements (flights, housing, etc.) until after you have received your official letter of acceptance!
Step 6: After being accepted
Accept or reject the offered exchange in Mobility Online and download your acceptance letter. Read all the materials carefully that have been sent to you.
If you confirm the exchange, start making all the practical arrangements for your upcoming exchange period. Remember to take care e.g. of the following: insurance, residence permit, accommodation, flights etc.
I will never forget this experience, there was a lot of organizing to do, but it was worth it! Thank you Jamk!