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Student Online Services

Where are Moodle and Peppi? How can I read my email? What is Elmo? Students have access to several online services whose links are on this page. Most services require logging in with Jamk's network ID.

Elmo Intranet

The Elmo Intranet contains current information related to studying.

For Students Pages

The For Students pages contain useful information on studies, guidance, and counselling, as well as matters related to the progress of studies, for both degree and other students.

The For Students pages are open to everyone and do not require logging in.

Microsoft 365 Service and Email

In addition to email, Microsoft 365 cloud service provides calendar, instant messaging, centralised storage for your documents, collaboration space, and online versions of multiple Office applications.


Peppi is Jamk's student and study information system. This is an important system for students, in which you can plan your studies (personal learning plan), manage your personal contact details, enrol for courses and the semester, monitor the progress of your studies, as well as your study attainments, and view your own timetable.


Moodle is Jamk's virtual learning environment, where you can access the workspace of the courses for which a Moodle workspace has been created and for which you have enrolled.


The EXAM is a flexible examination method. You can take an exam completely independently, on a computer, in the camera controlled space, Examstudio, at the time you select.


Tuudo is a mobile application that contains the most commonly used services for students related to their studies and the student's daily life. The app improves the follow-up of studies, the accessibility of teaching facilities, and the real-time communication of study attainments, as well as facilitates the planning of time use. You can also use Tuudo to enrol for courses in Peppi.

Download Tuudo from Apple App Store or Google Play Store.


Zoom and Teams

Zoom is an online meeting environment where you can attend an appointment or meeting and share your screen with other attendees. In a Zoom environment, you can also save a meeting and, if you want, forward it in other environments, such as Panopto or YouTube.

You can also have an online meeting via Teams. But Teams is much more than that. It is an environment where you can create a suitable workspace and invite other members there. The workspace also enables communication between members via messages. In the workspace, you can store and share files and other material, as well as produce content together, for example, on a wiki platform.