Degree Student

Study Entitlement

Standard Study Period and Maximum Study Period

The standard study period and maximum study period for a degree programme are determined by the scope of the programme (ECTS credits) in the following way:

  • The scope of the programme 60 ECTS credits: The standard study period is 2 years and the maximum study period 3 years.
  • The scope of the programme 90 ECTS credits: The standard study period is 3 years and the maximum study period 4 years.
  • The scope of the programme 210 ECTS credits: The standard study period is 3 and a half year and the maximum study period 4 and a half year.
  • The scope of the programme 240 ECTS credits: The standard study period is 4 years and the maximum study period 5 years.

If you do not complete your studies in the standard study period, you have the right to continue your studies for one year without submitting a separate application.

You will no longer be entitled to study if you do not complete your degree within the maximum study period. Only the student services manager can grant an extension for two semesters.

The standard and maximum study periods for students expire either on 31 July or 31 December. Please, check your own standard and maximum study periods in Peppi.

Maximum study period at an end, can I apply for an extension?

Students who have not completed their degree during their maximum study period can apply for a discretionary extension. Extension may be granted no more than twice. The first extension can be granted for a well-founded reason, for one or up to semesters, depending on the amount of missing credits. The following conditions are met:

  1. A Bachelor’s Degree student has a maximum of 60 credits left to complete or a Master’s Degree student 30 credits.
  2. You are able to present a goal-oriented and viable plan for the completion of your studies.
  3. Graduation within the extension period is a realistic goal.

No extension is granted, if the student has already completed the studies needed to obtain a degree.

Know how to apply for the extension

The discretionary extension must be applied for within the maximum study period, yet at least two months before the maximum study period expires. Please, see instructions, how to apply for discretionary extension (Elmo Student intranet, login required). In accordance with the Government's Decree 1440/2014, a fee of € 50 is payable for the handling of the application.

Please, attach a revised study plan approved by the career tutor / programme coordinator to the application.

Study during extension period

The student must commit to his/her studies during the extension period and meet with the person responsible for study counselling regularly. The student cannot enrol as a non-attending student during the extension period.

Additional extension period

If the student is unable to complete his/her studies within the extension period, the student may apply for another extension for the following reasons:

  • he/she has participated in teaching and exams during the previous extension period or has in some other way shown effort to complete the studies. At this stage, a Bachelor’s Degree student cannot have more than 30 credits left to complete or a Master’s Degree student 15 credits.
  • the medical condition or an exceptionally difficult life situation of the student or someone in his/her immediate family may constitute acceptable grounds for extending the study period
  • significant positions of trust, successful scientific or artistic activities and top-level sports

The grounds shall be verified with reliable documents. If the student presents a medical certificate, it must state the student’s reduced ability to study.

If the student still has not completed the degree during the second extension period, a third one will no longer be granted. The student is directed to complete the missing studies at open university of applied sciences and to apply for a new study entitlement when finishing the studies is possible.

When will a student lose the study entitlement?

Students who do not enrol for attendance or non-attendance or have not finished their degree within the maximum study period will lose their study entitlement.

Can I have the study entitlement back?

Those who have not enrolled for attendance or non-attendance can apply to the student services manager for a new study entitlement. Forms and instructions are available on the Electronic Services web page (link below) or at the Student Services. In accordance with the Government's Degree 1440/2014, a fee of € 50 is payable for the handling of the application.

The application is attached a revised study plan approved by the career tutor / programme coordinator.

As a rule, study entitlement is restored at the beginning of the following semester, but if the student can present sufficient justification and supporting documents, study entitlement may be restored immediately. However, it must be done before the next date when student statistics are completed, 20 September or 20 January. When granting the entitlement to study, the student’s previous attendance and non-attendance semesters will be taken into account.

Read more in the Degree Regulations