Degree Student

Course Offering

Jamk Course Offering in the Study Search

Jamk course offering (=implementations) can be found in the Study Search service using different criteria, for example by filtering the search by group, education field, teaching language or teaching method. In addition to Jamk’s degree programmes with instruction in English, the degree programmes with instruction in Finnish also offer some courses in English.

Courses listed in the Study Search under codes beginning with the letter “Y” are aimed at Master's Degree students.

Search by subject

Language and Communication Studies

As part of Bachelor's Degree students' studies, they need to demonstrate their language proficiency, either by attending courses offered by the Jamk Language Centre or by demonstrating their language proficiency in another way. Read more about language and communication studies on their respective websites. The Language Centre also offers elective language studies for all students.

Online courses

Online courses offered by Jamk can be found via the Study Search service. If you want to find fully online courses, select “online learning” as the teaching method in the Study Search.

Elective Studies

All Bachelor’s Degree students can take at least 5-10 ECTS credits of elective studies, depending on the degree programme. Master’s Degree students can take 5-25 ECTS credits of elective studies. Check the scope in the curriculum of your degree programme.

Please note that for Master’s Degree students, the elective studies must be at least at the level of a Master's Degree, and for Bachelor's Degree students at least at the level of a Bachelor's Degree.

The elective studies can also be made up of cross-disciplinary studies, such as those offered via: 

  • Jamk's Future Factory,
  • shared entrepreneurship studies, 
  • different degree programmes, 
  • Student Union JAMKO, 
  • courses supporting student wellbeing, 
  • Language Centre, 
  • courses offered elsewhere, such as via EduJyväskylä and CampusOnline, 
  • courses completed as part of international student exchange.

Implementation of Elective Studies and Registration

Some elective courses are implemented online and some are also available during the summer. Find out more under Summer Courses (listed separately).

Registration for the interdisciplinary, elective studies of Jamk takes place in the same way as for the other courses of the degree programmes. All the offered courses might not be implemented due to too few participants. Registration for the Tutoring courses takes place directly to the student union JAMKO. Registration for some entrepreneurship and career studies must also be done separately. Instructions can be found in the course information in question. The elective as well as many other courses are filled based on order of registration.

In addition to using the Study Search service, you can also search for elective studies via Curriculum pages.

Entrepreneurship Studies

Jamk offers entrepreneurship-related studies and services from the beginning of the studies. Services are available for the first steps of entrepreneurship, the development of new products as well as the development of an existing business.

Summer Studies

There are several opportunities for you to study in the summer. See the options below and pick the ones most suitable for you.

The studies entitle you to student financial aid. Please check the conditions at the Kela website.

Summer Studies at Jamk

Jamk also offers summer studies during the summer semester. Students can complete elective courses and courses that are part of their degree programme. Enrol for summer studies at Jamk via the Peppi student and study information system.

Find summer courses via the Study Search service by choosing "Summer study" option from the Timing menu in the Study Search. There you can also find the enrolment date and timing of the courses.

Participate in Jamk Summer School

Each year, Jamk organises the international Jamk Summer School. It brings together students and teachers of various fields from all over the world. It is a great opportunity to study in a relaxed atmosphere in the middle of beautiful summer.

CampusOnline and EduJyväskylä

Summer study opportunities can also be found via the CampusOnline and EduJyväskylä course offerings. You can find more detailed information about these opportunities on this page under the Cross-institutional Studies heading.

Cross-institutional Studies

As a student, you have the opportunity to include free studies from other universities in your PLP. This is called cross-institutional studies. In addition, you can independently search for MOOC courses suitable for your studies.

Students must have their personal learning plan approved in advance by their career tutor (Bachelor's Degree students) or head of department (Master’s Degree students) for studies other than those offered by and in the scope of Jamk.

See the Elmo intranet for more detailed instructions on cross-institutional studies.

CampusOnline Studies

Jamk students can enrol for courses offered by other universities of applied sciences. These studies are called the CampusOnline course offering. Studies are free of charge for degree students, exchange students, and open studies path students, and credits will be counted towards the bachelor's or master's degree studies, provided that they fit into the student’s personal learning plan.

You can find the course offering in Peppi where you also enrol for courses. You can find more information in the instructions on cross-institutional studies.

EduJyväskylä Studies

Degree students at the University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, and Jyväskylä Municipal Education Consortium also have the opportunity to choose studies from those jointly courses offered by these educational institutions. Thanks to this option, students can choose to complement or deepen their own knowledge and expertise through studies offered by an institution other than their own. There are a limited number of places available and enrolment is done by clicking on the EduJyväskylä service link on each educational institution’s own website.

MOOC courses

You can choose MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) courses for your study path. You can allocate them to your PLP, for example, as:

  • elective studies
  • partial completions of Jamk’s courses
  • optional vocational studies

You will act independently in the selection of MOOC courses and be responsible for the progression of studies and any possible costs.

The MOOC courses need to support achieving the learning objectives of your degree in order for them to award credits as part of your PLP. Jamk is not responsible for arranging the MOOC courses or their quality, so before completing such courses you need to discuss them with the person in charge of the said studies or the career tutor. Ask your teacher about any MOOC courses recommended by the degree programme.

You can search for MOOC courses independently, for example, at the following locations:

Asian Studies Online

Bachelor level courses give for students the key knowledge of Asian history and contemporary societies as well as business environments. In the Master’s level courses students can deepen their knowledge in a more focused area. Courses are suitable for all students interested in Asia! Degree students and exchange students from Jamk University of Applied Sciences can take these courses for free.