Degree Student
Competence Assessment
Assessment Criteria
Qualification levels of the Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
At Jamk University of Applied Sciences, competence assessment is based on the competence level descriptions of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). The EQF determines the type and level of competence which those who have completed a degree at a European institute of higher education have. The aim of the Qualification Framework is to support lifelong learning and flexibility in higher education in the EU area.
The qualification level of the Bachelor’s Degree is 6 and the level of the Master's Degree is 7 awarded by Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. You can find more information on qualification levels in the European Qualifications Framework (pdf, Finnish National Agency for Education).
Course Assessment
The competence attained during a course is assessed in relation to the learning outcomes for the course. The assessment is carried out using the scale specified in the course description. The scale may range from zero to five:
- 5 (Excellent),
- 4 (Very Good),
- 3 (Good),
- 2 (Satisfactory),
- 1 (Sufficient)
- 0 (Fail)
or a course is passed without a grade (H).
A Course is assessed as Fail (0) if a student fails to reach the minimum outcomes for course completion. The same grading scale is applied to retakes.
In the Finnish grading system each student is graded on their individual performance, not in relation to the performance of others. There is no rule or expectation for how many students in a course can receive which grade, i.e. no grading curve is used. The Finnish system is used also at Jamk University of Applied Sciences, where the grading scale from 0-5 is not a proportionate scale. Since the ECTS grading scale is based on an expectancy of the distribution of different grades, the two grading scales are not fully comparable.
The students have the right to know how the assessment criteria have been applied to them. The students are entitled to two resits two exams as defined in the course implementation description. The students have a right to improve the passing grade once upon agreement with the teacher in charge. The grade can be improved by the end of the following semester after the course has ended. Passing grades will remain in the transcript of records.
The completion of a course will be entered in the record of credits within a month from the given end date of the course, and always before the end of the academic year.
If you are unhappy with the assessment, you may lodge an appeal. Read more about assessment appeals in the Degree Regulations. The forms related to appeals against assessment are available on the Electronic Services page, under the topic Electronic applications and forms.
The Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners (in compliance with Decree 932/2014, §19) handles appeals against assessment. The Academic Board of Jamk has appointed the following Board of Examiners:
- Chairwoman: Marjukka Nuutinen, School of Technology
- Deputy Chairman: Jari Hautamäki, School of Technology
- Teacher member: Jarkko Immonen, School of Business
- Deputy member: Teija Koskinen, School of Business
- Teacher member: Elina Tiainen, School of Health and Social Studies
- Deputy member: Katri Ylönen, School of Health and Social Studies
- Student member: Janna Komonen, Student Union JAMKO
- Deputy member: Sonja Wesa, Student Union JAMKO
- Presenting Official: Tiina Kangaspunta
- Deputy: Annika Helin