
9.11. - 10.11.

Pelaten duuniin! -project open doors and GamePit gaming cafe

ihmiset hurraavat tietokoneen ääressä
09.11.2022 09:00 - 10.11.2022 18:00
Event type
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Rajakatu 35
40200 Jyväskylä

As part of the International Gaming Week, Pelaten duuniin! -project will organize open doors at the GamePit Pro facility on 9.11. from 9am to 11pm.

After that the day continues as a gaming cafe from 4pm to 8pm at the GamePit Pro facility.

On the next day Thursday 10.11. there will be a GamePit Matara gaming cafe from 4pm to 8pm at the premises of Digi & Game Center at Matarankatu 2.

Pelaten duuniin! -project open doors on 9.11. from 9am to 11pm

Come and hear how the esports environment facility is suitable for teaching and the operation of R&D projects!

We welcome everyone who is interested in the possibilities of digital gaming and the staff of Jamk to explore Pelate duuniin! -project and GamePit Pro by Jamk facilities. We present the project's activities and coaching, as well as the experiences gained from them. If you want, you can also play yourself and you can also challenge the players and coaches who have participated in the project.

A light breakfast is available between 9am to 11am. Welcome to visit according to your own schedule!

Download event poster here (English)!

GamePit Pro gaming cafe on International Game Week 9.11. at 4pm-8pm!

Come check out the GamePit Pro by Jamk esports facility!

You can play and chat with streamers and industry influencers! On the spot there are Female Gaming Finland RY, the people of the Pelaten duuniin! -project, and streamers Jani 'Cookies' Kuukkanen and BB-Joel 'Jalmarib' Jämsinen.

The GamePit Pro facility has 12 gaming computers which you can use to play several different games with your own game credentials. At the facility there is also a console game corner. The GamePit facilities were originally established as a measure of the eLämää project, e.g. as training facilities to map the business opportunities of esports scene.

Welcome to visit according to your own schedule!

Download event poster here (English)!

GamePit Matara gaming cafe on International Game Week 10.11. from 2pm-6pm!

Come and explore GamePit Matara by Jamk - esports facility!

On the spot you can play on a computer and with VR glasses.

The GamePit Matara facility has 12 gaming computers which you can use to play several different games with your own game credentials. At the facility there is also a console game corner. The GamePit facilities were originally established as a measure of the eLämää project, e.g. as training facilities to map the business opportunities of esports scene.

Also come and test the game projects made by Jamk's 3rd year Game

Production students on DGC's Stage from 2pm to 5pm!

Welcome to visit according to your own schedule!

Location: Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2, 40100 Jyväskylä (from backdoor)

Download event's poster here (English)!

More information

Katja Kokkinen

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Terveysinstituutti, Institute of Health
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Elmo Hämäläinen

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Matkailu ja palvelut, Tourism and Service Business
Liiketoiminta, School of Business