Global Insights and Lessons Learnt on Digital Rehabilitation during the COVID-19 pandemic

UTC/GMT +3:00
This global online get-together is initiated by The Institute of Rehabilitation, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (JAMK) in close cooperation with the School of Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Jordan. The aim is to share global insights and learning experiences in utilization of digital rehabilitation during lockdowns and social distancing. In addition, the purpose of the meeting is to contribute towards the digital transformation, discuss competencies and new innovations in the field of rehabilitation.
9.00-9.05 Opening Remarks, H.E. Petri Puhakka, Ambassador for Disability Inclusion, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Finland
9.05-9.10 Welcoming words from H.E. Prof. Nathir Obeidat, President, The University of Jordan
9.10-9.25 Rehabilitation 2030 a call for action, Susanne Nielsen, Rehabilitation Expert, WHO Regional Office for Europe
9.25-9.40 Introduction to digital rehabilitation & Insights from Finland, Mr. Kari-Pekka Murtonen, Head of Global Action, Institute of Rehabilitation, JAMK University of Applied Sciences
9.40-10.00 Insights from Jordan: Utilization of Telerehabilitation with various patients, Prof. Yaser Natour, professor of speech and language pathology, the school of rehabilitation sciences University of Jordan
10.00-10.15 Break
10.15-10.35 Insights from Indonesia:
- Assoc. Prof. Maria Anityasari, Ph.D - Director of ITS Global Engagement
- Dr. Achmad Arifin, S.T., M.Eng. - Head of Biomedical Engineering Department
- Djoko Kuswanto, S.T., M.Biotech., Head of Integrated Digital Design Laboratory
10.35-10.55 Insights from Rwanda: Dr. David Tumusiive, University of Rwanda, The Regional Centre of Excellence in Biomedical Engineering and eHealth (CEBE)
10.55-11.05 Learnings from promoting telerehabilitation globally, Martin JACOBS, Project Manager – Telerehabilitation, Humanity & Inclusion
11.05-11.50 Promotion of new innovations on digital rehabilitation globally; Panel discussion
This panel will discuss the enabling learning and innovation environments of HEIs in creating new skills required in digital rehabilitation and its research and development in co-operation with Business sector. Kari-Pekka Murtonen (JAMK) is acting as a moderator and engaging key-note speakers and other experts into discussion. Panel includes Q/A session.
11.50-12.00 Closing remarks by Prof. Ziad Hawamdeh, Dean school of rehabilitation sciences, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Jordan
Any Questions?
Kari-Pekka Murtonen, Head of Global Action, Institute of Rehabilitation, +358503526606, e-mail: [email protected], Jamk University of Applied Sciences
Twitter: @KareMur