BioTalks: Viable and resilient dairy farming

Changes in the operating environment challenge dairy farm entrepreneurs, but knowledge, skills and technology will ensure profitable operations also in the future. On BioTalks, we are on a mission to discover functional and profitable farm-level solutions for managing the seasonal variation in milk production. A steady production is more economically profitable for the dairy farm, but it can also enable a transformation throughout the production chain. Welcome to hear and discuss the business opportunities and latest research findings!
Welcome to our next BioTalks webinar (Friday September 22, 2023, at 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. (EEST / UTC+3), where industry representatives along with specialists from research institutes discuss the development needs and opportunities at dairy farms to boost viability and resilience and to tackle the challenges of seasonal variation in milk production.
In this webinar we will also announce the upcoming ValioHackathon innovation competition aiming at finding concrete and effective ways to balance seasonality on farm level. Depending on the maturity of the idea, Valio offers Hackathon participants either the opportunity for business cooperation or the opportunity to start a joint project or pilot for testing the presented idea. – Welcome to solve the challenge!
BioTalks is a webinar series hosted by biobusiness accelerator BioPaavo by Jamk. The aim of the webinar is to bring like-minded people together, exchange knowledge, get inspired and perhaps start something new together!
Times are EEST (UTC+3)
12:30 Opening and introduction to the program, Annemari Sinikorpi, Moderator by Jamk.
12:35 ‘Finnish Future Farm’ supporting resilience and viability of Finnish farms with application of data and technology, prof. Hannu Haapala, Jamk University of Applied Sciences
12:55 “Current and future management tools to modify milk production of cows “ Presentation from Prof. Marketta Rinne, Natural Resource Institute of Finland, LUKE
13:20 “Heat stress of dairy cows and its effect on milk production and quality” Presentation from Associate Prof. Allan Kaasik, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, EMU
13:40 More profitable and sustainable milk production by levelling the seasonal variation – launching the ValioHackathon call, Sanna Nokka, Development manager of primary production, Valio Group
14:10 BioBoosters powering the ValioHackathon Call – Anna Aalto, Project Manager, Jamk University of Applied Sciences
14:25 Closing words, Annemari Sinikorpi, Moderator by Jamk
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Anna Aalto