BioTalks: Black soldier flies – circular economy as its best!
Did you know that there is a solution that can provide an infinite farm feed production from excess biomasses? A solution that is cost effective and sustainable? The answer is black soldier flies (Hermetia illucens)!

Welcome to our next BioTalks webinar 30.09.2022 at 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. (EEST / UTC+3), where the experts (inc. Jamk and Natural Resources Institute Finland) of the industry tell more of this ground breaking innovation, best practises behind breeding and experiences from a development project called Entotek.
BioTalks is a webinar series hosted by biobusiness accelerator BioPaavo by Jamk. The aim of the webinar is to bring like-minded people together, exchange knowlede, get inspired and perhaps start something new togehter!
Register before 29th of September.
Program (EEST):
10:00 Welcome to BioTalks: Riikka Kumpulainen, Jamk Bioeconomy
10:10 Introduction to black soldier flies and experiences from Entotek-project by Jamk Bioeconomy
10:30 Monitoring opportunities across the black soldier fly life-cycle – a keynote by Miika Tapio from the Natural Resources Institution (LUKE)
10:50 The impact of insects in feed on health and disease resistance of production animals – a keynote by Pertti Marnila from the Natural Resources Institution (LUKE)
11:05 Discussion and questions
11:30 Thank you!
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