
19.8. - 31.8.

Back to Campus Weeks

Hello, fellow members of Jamk - students and faculty members alike! Welcome to our back to campus weeks to really get to know our campuses, and all the possibilities they provide.  

Students sitting on a terrace
19.08.2024 08:00 - 31.08.2024 16:00
Event type
For students
Event language

Finnish and English

It's great to have you here with us! These weeks provide you an opportunity to get to know Jamk and our campuses better. Our campuses are the heart of Jamk, so they'll also be playing a major part in your chapter in Jamk's history!

Check out the programme below! 


First week - Monday 19.8. - Sunday 25.8.

During the first week you'll have a chance to learn more about our campuses and services.

Second week - Monday 26.8. - Friday 30.8.

Here you can see what's happening on campuses this week

Thursday 29.8.

  • 10-12, Study languages!, Main Campus, D-lobby
  • (12.30) 13-16 Back to Campus -event, Main campus yard.

Participating services

Click and explore the services in more detail 

Back to Campus festival

The opening of the 2024-2025 academic year will once again be celebrated in Back to Campus festival style! The event is open to all our students and staff.

Campuses and Learning Environments

Jamk's campuses, parking and learning environments.

Student Services

Study affairs coordinators in Jyväskylä campuses, their services and contact details.

New Student

Great to have you with us! These pages provide you practical information in getting started with your studies and student life.

For more information, contact:

Katja Pihkasalo

Tuottaja, Producer
Viestintäpalvelut, Communication Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Language Centre

The Jamk Language Centre provides language and communication skills courses which are required for the degrees granted by Jamk University of Applied Sciences. In addition, a wide selection of elective language courses is offered.