Finnish Music Campus

Students sit on music campus terrace. Building´s windows reflects trees and sky.

The Finnish Music Campus is a development unit for music, dance and applied arts formed by Jamk University of Applied Sciences, the University of Jyväskylä and Jyväskylä Educational Consortium Gradia.

Finnish Music Campus webpages

Finnish Music Campus information

Jamk University of Applied Sciences

Pitkäkatu 18-22

40700 Jyväskylä


Switchboard +358 20 743 8100*

*Price for call from landline 8,28 cnt/min + 7 cnt/min (vat 24 %), mobilephone 8,28 cnt/min + 17 cnt/min (vat 24 %)

Email: firstname.surname(at)

Finnish Music Campus opening hours

During academic year doors are open

Mon - Fri 7.45am - 8.00pm 

Gradia  premises 7.45am - 8.00pm

The campus area should be empty at 22.45.


Services in Finnish Music Campus


The 1st and the 2nd floor

Student Services

The 1st floor


The 1st floor

Parking on Finnish Music Campus

There´s no parking places on campus. On nearby streets theres time limited parking places.

Invalid parking

There´s two invalid parking places on the back yard.

Finnish Music Campus rooms

The premises of the university of applied sciences are barrier-free regarding mobility. Entrance to floors is via stairs or lift.

In classroom booking system Finnish Music Campus begins with P18.

Ground floor

Rooms 028 - 056

The 1st floor

Student Services, library, janitor, restaurant, rooms 111 - 194

The 2nd floor

Rooms 202 - 286