customer story

Valtra: Smart Agriculture and Agrotechnology experts are in demand

Annemari Sinikorpi
Valtra and Annemari Sinikorpi

Valtra and Jamk University of Applied Sciences have various ways of collaboration. Valtra is a partner in the Finnish Future Farm project, of which goal is to strengthen the development of smart agriculture and to make software products more widely available.

Jani Oksanen Valtralta traktorin edessä

“Old habits and boundaries need to be broken, to gain knowledge and know-how for the agricultural field, and thereby financial benefits for customers,” says Sales Engineering Specialist Jani Oksanen, Valtra.
"The greatest importance of co-operation with educational institutions is to bring employees and new innovations to the industry. There are a lot of startups in Jamk’s networks, that we are happy to work with. Valtra requires a wide range of expertise. For example, the Engineering department offers places from test drivers to the DI level, for example in the cabin, engine, and transmission divisions,” Jani says.
"Internships are an excellent opportunity to get to know each other; it also makes it easier to find employment." In his own work, Jani is particularly enthusiastic about the variety of days.
"One working day you can jump off Excel on the roof of a tractor to disconnect the autopilot system's ceiling antenna. All work has dull moments and star moments. One of the star moments was when I was honoured to be publishing the new Valtra S-series for the Dealer field and the press. It was great and emotional too, because it was also the homecoming of the S-series since the manufacturing moved back to Suolahti.”

As an intern in the Valtra Experience Squad

Jamk agrologist students can complete an internship in the Valtra Experience Squad. Lecturer Juha Kuula coordinates the activities in Jamk.

"The students selected for the Squad work in practical jobs at Valtra to support marketing. For example, they are involved in getting to know the operations of Atrium's Valtra Shop and managing the factory visits of guest groups."

"Experiences in Squad activities have been good," Jani Oksanen says. "Squadians have been a great help in developing the visiting concept. One of the previous squad members is now employed at Valtra, and she is also involved in recruiting new ones. At Valtra, trainees are part of the work community. This has also been noticed by Saija Luodes, an agrologist student from the current Squad. “Valtra has a great international work community! My goal is to do the thesis here as well, and get a foot in the door that way also.”

In her training, Saija has been able to work especially with international customer groups. "I take the guests in as part of the team, take them on a factory tour, prepare the tractors for the test drive, and advise the customers during the test drive. I also work at the Valtra Shop. The working days are really varied! As Valtra's representative, I strive to be happy and presentable, and to create a good experience for the customer," she says.

"So far, the training has provided an enormous amount of information about tractors, their manufacturing process and technology. By driving and experimenting, you learn and then know how to advise customers. I have already gained sales and marketing expertise, and with international groups English as a working language has developed, as have presentation skills.”

Saija Luodes

“For the agrologist student, Valtra Squad combines not only technical and global agricultural expertise, but also sales and marketing expertise and language skills. This is an interesting and recommended training place,” says Saija Luodes.

Jamk is becoming Finland's most interesting and best educator of smart agriculture and agrotechnology

Co-operation with Valtra is more than just Squad activity. "It has enabled the agrologist degree programme to use new equipment in teaching both tractor technology and driving," says Juha Kuula.

"With up-to-date and intelligent tractors, we can demonstrate and practice the transfer of knowledge from the machine to the tractor and vice versa also in other technology studies. The telemetry data of the machines is also utilized in the economical driving exercises of tractor work. The results of the demos made in the Smart Farming RDI projects can be utilized in teaching.”

“I have high expectations for Jamk cooperation. The dream situation is that within five years Jamk will be the best and most interesting educator of smart agriculture and agrotechnology in Finland, where students can already practice at the very beginning of their studies by utilizing the digital twin of the Bioeconomy Campus farm combined with the digital twins of various machinery,” envisioned Jani Oksanen. “Learning environments are like game worlds - you also need game developers alongside!”
