
The activities at ISET One World in May 2023

On 25th May 2023, the key experts from UP and Finland travelled from Maputo to ISET - One World.

Eight people sitting by or behind a table which is covered by table clothes. Water bottles, notebooks, candies and flowers on the table.

On 25th May 2023, the key experts from UP and Finland travelled from Maputo to ISET-OW by bus. Even though the road has been fixed since we were over last time, rains had damaged the road so that we had to get off the bus in order to pass the most difficult parts. 

At ISET One World, the staff and students welcomed us by singing. The beautiful campus with its unique architecture and scenery is an experience in itself. In addition to the ISET One World staff, there were teachers from the teacher training colleges and primary school as well as ADPP personnel invited to the workshop. It was very interesting and useful to hear all of their insights about the teacher education. After the workshop, we visited the Alto Enchisa Primary School on the way back to Maputo.

Two photos from Mozambique: one with a broken road and a mini bus. Other one from a school auditorium, with two men standing, a flag standing in front of the room and large windows.

The road to ISET-OW was fixed with rocks. The ISET-OW Campus welcomed us warmly.

Canopy and decorative statue in the outdoor area of an educational institution.

Irmeli Maunonen-Eskelinen

Yliopettaja, Principal Lecturer
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education