
Talent Boost

Have you heard of Jamk Talent Boost? Do you represent a company or organization looking to hire international talents? 

Talent Boost personnel

Talent Boost aims at helping international students and graduates find internship and job opportunities here in Finland.  

We have over 600 international students here at Jamk from approximately 70 countries, studying in 15 different degree programmes. Our international students come from a wide variety of lingual and cultural backgrounds, providing companies with a unique opportunity for new, eager work force – as well as internationalization through talent. All the students are taught the basics of the Finnish language during their studies.  

Collaboration possibilities:

•    practical training and work opportunities

•    thesis work

•    project work

•    guest lecturing or case studies

We appreciate your interest and participation in our upcoming events and workshops! We also offer Finnish language support to Finnish companies interested in recruiting international students.

Our website: 

If you’re interested in co-operation, read more or contact us:

Anna Tenhunen

Koordinaattori, Coordinator
Kansainvälistymispalvelut, International Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services