
SmartCHANGE Research Reached into Education

Tiina Riuttanen
Tiina Riuttanen

The Digital Rehabilitation course at Jamk University of Applied Sciences provided insights into the intricacies of the SmartCHANGE project and how AI-powered digital tools are developed in an international health promotion research project.

Tuija Tammelin ja Piritta Asunta venyttelevät tietokoneruudun edessä.

The subject of the SmartCHANGE research aligned perfectly with the Designing Evidence-Based Digital Services course within Jamk’s Master's Degree Programme in Digital Rehabilitation. Principal Researcher Tuija Tammelin and Chief Specialist Piritta Asunta from Likes were invited to guest lecturers.

-Inviting guest lecturers has been a tradition for this course to provide perspectives from different projects and practical expertise. The content of the SmartCHANGE research fit well into the course, which focused on developing digital services based on evidence. We planned the content collaboratively with Tuija, explains Principal Lecturer Katri Ylönen.

Tuija Tammelin believes that the SmartCHANGE project offered suitably timely topics for students in digital rehabilitation.

-Indeed -  now the project´s and course´s contents aligned beautifully. We were able to share fresh insights and yet-unpublished results from the project with enthusiastic students. It feels meaningful that our Jamk students gain a firsthand understanding of the latest international trends in the field, Tuija remarks with delight.

The two-hour online lecture by Tuija and Piritta included stretch breaks to refresh and energize the learning experience.

SmartCHANGE (AI-Based Long-Term Health Risk Evaluation for Driving Behaviour Change Strategies in Children and Youth) is a research project under the Horizon Europe programme which utilizes artificial intelligence in the monitoring of long-term health data. The project is coordinated by the Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia's leading scientific research center. SmartCHANGE brings together health and technology experts from 8 countries and 12 organizations. The Finnish contribution is led by Jamk University of Applied Sciences. Early 2025 will mark the pilot testing phase of the project’s tool prototypes with schoolchildren and healthcare professionals.

Digital Rehabilitation, Master of Health Care. In this Digital Rehabilitiation master's programme you'll be building competences with presently available digital technologies while gaining additional skills in using and designing emerging technologies!