student story

Ransford Kwakye is going to be a Nurse and a basketball player

Kansainvälisiä nursing-opiskelijoita harjoittelemassa hoitotilannetta

Meet people from around the world, learn about different cultures and at the same time study to be a competent nurse! The nursing studies are based on a personal study plan, which allows you to build your own career path. The education in Degree Programme in Nursing is highly esteemed and meets the strict quality requirements set in the EU legislation - A Bachelor of Health Care is a Registered Nurse.

Ransford Kwakye talks about his studies

Ransford Kwakye talks about his nursing studies2.

Ransford Kwakye thinks that the best thing in Jyväskylä is nature  - and the teachers!  

" I came to Finland 2013.  I chose Finland because I fell in love with my girlfriend and we got married and we decided that I come to visit. But when I came in, unfortunately, the relationship didn't work out and I decided to stay to fight for my wife back.

I'm a kind of guy that don't give up easily. I realized that there are a lot of opportunities here, especially with education. So I decided I would stay, you know, further my education and also because I was good in playing basketball, try to play basketball in some field teams in Finland.

I chose the school Jamk because during COVID, there's nothing you can do outdoor. I decided that instead of staying home, I would rather channel that energy into a program in the field of nursing where I can help to provide services and save lives in the health sector."

More information:

Marjo Palovaara

Head of Global Action, Terveysinstituutti, Head of Global Action, Institute of Health
HYVI Terveysala, Health Studies
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies