
GeNEdu Newsletter vol. 3 published!

Welcome to the third issue of GeNEdu project news in bilingual! This issue recaps the Review Workshop held from 1st to 3rd of Nov. 2022 in a hybrid manner: all Chinese project members hosted by Guangzhou Health Science College (GHSC) in China whilst European members hosted by Tartu Health Care College (THCC) in Estonia, both locations connected by teleconference tools. The Review Workshop aimed at assessing the quality and suitability of the renewed curricula in gerontological nursing and analysing the actual implementation of the curricula, in order to prepare for the sustainable exploitation of project outcome in long-term. In addition to the participants from GeNEdu partners, there were non-project personnel from networked Chinese organizations attended the Workshop via online. Altogether the Workshop reached more than a thousand persons in China via various dissemination channels.

Disseminating our project’s activities and results is crucial to enhance the visibility of the GeNEdu project on a wide scope. It supports the exploitation of the project’s outcomes in a sustainable way. We are pleased to Welcome You to read our third newsletter, and looking forward to your valuable feedback. We hope you enjoy the reading!

Read the GeNEdu Newsletter here!

Read more about the GeNEdu-project here!

More information

Xiang He

Projektipäällikkö, Project Manager
Hyvi kehittämispalvelut, Development Services
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies