GeNEdu, shorted for “Developing multidisciplinary innovations in gerontological nursing education in China”, is a project of collaboration and dedication to foster exchange and cooperation among partners, also a project in sharing knowledge and experience with compassion. During the past four years, the project consortium has worked with a noble goal to improve the gerontological nursing education for China, aimed to care for the elderly with dignity and respect and to promote the well-being of the population and the society.
GeNEdu Newsletter - GeNEdu project accomplishes the journey
As the coordinating institution of GeNEdu project consortium, Jamk University of Applied Sciences hereby releases the last project news on today, 14 November 2023, to end the unforgettable project journey. The last issue of project e-Newsletter is published also.
Six project partner institutions across four countries are together approaching the moment of celebration and appreciation. Let’s mark the successful ending of the journey and thank all the participants, supports and contribution. Warmest wish all of us the best for the future!