Xiang He, GeNEdu Project Manager, Executive
Through great efforts from all partner institutions, the GeNEdu project consortium organized a successful event week in mid-October in a hybrid mode across four countries. The first day was dedicated to the GeNEdu Mid Conference with a focus on project management issues, and the rest of the week to the 4-day Train-the-Trainer (TtT) programme.
The entire event was jointly planned by the coordinating institution Jamk University of Applied Sciences (Jamk) and the two host institutions Guangdong Medical University, GDMU in China and Hanze University of Applied Sciences, HUAS in the Netherlands. GDMU hosted all project members from the three Chinese partner institutions and HUAS hosted half of the members from the European institutions; the other half of the European members participated from Finland and Estonia in a remote way.
On Monday 11th October, the Mid Conference began with a fantastic Opening Ceremony led by GDMU, where more than 50 Chinese participants were present on-site and interacted with 15 European participants via a live stream platform. During the Conference, many topics were covered:
- Main achievements by the mid-term of the GeNEdu implementation
- Improvement proposals from the Academic Advisory Board and Project Management Group
- Partner institutions’ inputs to the possible extension of project eligibility period, and management practices needed for the preparation of the extension
- Revised plan for the dissemination and exploitation activities
- Group work: SWOT analysis of the project progress.
Along with discussions generated around these topics, participants were engaged to the common vision of the project, to the key priorities of upcoming activities, and to the opportunity to acquire even better success during the second half of the project implementation. A potential extension to the project eligibility period to achieve the best possible outcome at the end was also discussed.