
GeNEdu blog: what is the quality assurance work for GeNEdu project?

Eija-Mari Heikkilä (quality Manager, GeNEdu) and Liisa Tolonen (Leader of GeNEdu WP3)

One of the GeNEdu project work packages is WP 3 Quality assurance and monitoring. Quality assurance (hereinafter as “QA”) plays a central role in the implementation of quality management. The goal of QA is to systematically instruct the monitoring of quality related activities for the project, to serve the project team, and to generate materials in order to support the project to produce the planned outcomes.

QA-work is lead based on the QA-plan, which was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the GeNEdu WP 3 work plan in the initial phase of the project. The QA plan contains the purpose and aims of the QA, the measures for quality assurance and quality management procedures in the GeNEdu project. The roles and responsibilities of project consortium members for quality assurance are also described. The monitored steps from planning to follow-up and evaluation are based on the principle of continuous improvement (cf. Deming’s cycle Plan-Do-Check-Act) which is used in project management for the control of processes and project output. The QA plan has been revised twice to serve better the needs of the project’s quality assurance.  

The QA work is carried out by the QA team with Jamk as the leader and Guangzhou Health Science College (GHSC) as the co-leader and named QA persons from each partner. The QA team conducts regularly quality monitoring of the project progress and risks by using the Traffic light and Risk prevention tools. In addition, an internal quality assurance report is produced twice a year. The updated quality data based on the tools and the QA-report is presented to the PMG by Jamk with a focus on the issues which need further attention. The quality of the project is also ensured by collecting feedback from all project events and trainings and assessing completed deliverables. There are also different kinds of indicators via which it is followed the progress and realization of the objectives.

characters working on quality assurance

So far, 8 monitoring rounds, 5 internal QA reports and 1 mid-term quality report have been produced. In addition, 2 QA workshops have been arranged to improve common understanding and teamwork within the QA team. Furthermore, Jamk has organized 4 meetings to discuss the status of indicators with the WP 2 leaders. In preparation for the mid-term report of the project, Jamk also created an internal QA survey to assess the progress and quality of cooperation in all work packages. At this stage of the project when the project deliverables are mostly ready or well under way, the QA work will focus towards ensuring the achievement of indicators and impact of the project, during the remaining time of the project. For this reason, impact workshops will be organized during the spring 2023 in cooperation with QA-team and the WP leaders. (In the workshops aim is to view the outputs of the different dimensions on the whole project level.)

The external evaluation of GeNEdu project was carried out by TK-Eval last autumn. The results of the external evaluation are preliminary, because during the evaluation, there was still almost a year left in the project. However, according to the external evaluation report the role of QA work has been very important in the project. It has affected to the running of the project by helping to ensure project aims achievement, try to stay on schedule, meet the quality measures, monitoring and measuring the progress and impacts and helping to achieve better quality of partnership and collaboration. At the same time the project has taken steps to renew nursing curricula and develop gerontological nursing education in China, especially by co-creating renewed curricula with integration of living lab concept. There are also signs that that the project has some influence in the way of thinking in target groups: the approach of gerontological nursing in China is moving towards care with older people for successful aging. Additionally, the focus in education is moving towards practice oriented, student-centered learning.

QA work has several strengths and development needs from Jamk’s point of view. The most important strength of the QA work is the quality monitoring of the project progress and risks which regularly brings information to support operations at the work package level. Secondly, feedback collection from different target groups is versatile and extensive. Thirdly, the OA plan is actively used in QA work and has been continuously developed. Although a lot of data has been generated by the QA work, there is still a need to improve the utilization of this data and make clear decisions on improvement measures. Improvement activities should also be managed in a more determined way. It is also important to pay more attention to indicators which seem to come clearly behind and are not able to provide quick information to promote project activities. In addition, it could be good to combine different pieces related to QA work into one clearer entity, so that monitoring would be more clearly linked to quality work.

Read more about GeNEdu-project on the project's website! 

More information

Eija-Mari Heikkilä

Johtava suunnittelija, Chief Administrative Planner
Hyvi kehittämispalvelut, Development Services
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies