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EATHEN's benchmarking visit 2022
EATHEN's benchmarking visit to Jamk 3.-9.4.2022. The goal of the visit was to get to know Finnish higher education strategies and accessibility. In addition to meetings at Jamk there was a visit to the Educational Ministry of Finland.

Teacher education development in Mozambique on display at Africa Day 2023
The TEPATE project, in which Jamk’s experts are supporting their Mozambican partners to develop the teacher education in Mozambique, will be on display at the poster session of Africa Day on May 25th.

Accessible environments enable higher education for people with disabilities – Jamk is involved in enhancing inclusive East African universities
The BERT - Breaking Education Barriers: Inclusion, Rehabilitation, and Technology -project (2024–2026) aims to improve inclusive learning environments and practices in two East African partner universities.