
Concrete steps forward in Chinese nursing education and training – PalcNet project entered the implementation phase

Aimed at cultivating new talents of palliative care in Chinese nursing education and training, the Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Higher Education project PalcNet (ID: 101128424) began its journey from January 2024. PalcNet project targets to deliver main results in coming 3 years including the following:

  1. 12-ECTS training programmes for professionals,
  2. 10-ECTS EQF6 courses for students,
  3. a remotely accessible training base in China built for enhancing the PC competences of teachers, professionals and students,
  4. guidelines created for the development of course and training programmes and
  5. a digital ecosystem initiated with open access for PC development nationally and internationally by connecting education, research, healthcare and social organizations together.

In accordance with the set project plan, many activities have been carried out in the beginning phase of the PalcNet implementation. Key events include building the common e-workspace for all project members via Moodle platform; holding the Kick-off Seminar during 17 to 19 January in Jyväskylä, hosted by Jamk as the project coordinator and management institution; conducting the Benchmark Workshop during 22 to 25 January in Groningen, the Netherlands, hosted by one of European partners Hanze University of Applied Sciences (HUAS); participating to the Grant Holder’s webinar organized by the project funding authority EACEA; remotely meeting with the PalcNet project officer assigned by EACEA, as well as initiating multi-tasks required by different Work Packages of PalcNet.

people following a seminar

(Picture 1. Jamk School of Health and Social Studies opened the Kick-off Seminar by 17 January at Dynamo building.)

Group photo of the PalcNet project participants

(Picture 2. Group photo on the Benchmark Workshop by 25 January at HUAS, Groningen, the Netherlands.)

PalcNet consortium succeeded in starting of the implementation through engagement with all partner institutions across 4 countries, most of whose members went through the intensive activities arranged for Kick-off Seminar and Benchmark Workshop in Europe. Partnership connection gets tied by the project plan and team spirit built during co-working.

In upcoming weeks till end of March, the consortium has agreed to-do actions to achieve more tangible outputs parallel led by 4 partner institutions, such as Project Management Handbook, Quality Assurance Plan, Dissemination Plan and gap analysis activities. Let’s wish the project a smooth implementation and fruitful outcome in future!

More information

Xiang He

Projektipäällikkö, Project Manager
Hyvi kehittämispalvelut, Development Services
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies


“Funded by the European Commission. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”