
Agents of change - transforming education in Nepal

Graham Burns
Sharmila Pokharel
People sitting by a table in a meeting, with tea and coffee cups in front of them.

Picture 1. Planning session for the workshop implementation team. 

The final building blocks of the Developing Pedagogy for 21st Century Skills in Nepal (21st CS Nepal) project got under way in Bagmati Province during late February 2024. Sixty educators from regional schools, colleges and universities travelled immense distances, some taking an incredible to 2 two days, to attend workshops on integrating 21st century skills, including digital pedagogy, into all levels of education. 

Picture 2. Building collaborative and interactive education. 

Eila Burns presenting at a workshop in Nepal.

After completing the intensive two-day hands-on workshops the participants returned to their respective schools and colleges to share their newly acquired knowledge with their colleagues. These determined and enthusiastic people had now become the agents of change for modernising education in Nepal. 

Picture 3. Sharing and caring with workshop participants.

Project experts standing and smiling

More information:

Graham Burns

Hankesuunnittelija, Project Specialist
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education