customer story

A pioneer of bicultural nursing colleges in the higher education sector

Jamk and Beihua University in China have been strategic partners in the field of health care since 2012. In 2013, the cooperation reached a new stage as the Joint Bachelor’s degree programme in Nursing was approved by the Ministry of Education of China.


The Joint Educational Program of Undergraduates in the Specialty of Nursing in line with the regulation of “Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools” from the Ministry of Education of China (MoEC) is the first joint degree programme in Finland approved by MoEC, and so far, the only one in nursing between Finland and China.

Co-operation since 2012

Jamk’s cooperation with Beihua University started in 2012 from student exchange. The partnership became strategic in 2013 when the Programme’s approval was granted. Several sub-projects of this Programme, such as joint curriculum development and implementation for students, and coaching/mentoring for teachers, have been carried out through joint efforts of Jamk and Beihua University. Starting from September 2014, the Programme has successfully admitted more than 1100 nursing students in eight annual intake groups. All the students conduct their studies at Beihua University with the particular nursing curriculum jointly designed and conducted by both universities. By June 2021, altogether 540 Beihua students have graduated from the Programme and among them, 40 students have obtained Bachelors’ Degrees in Nursing from both Beihua and Jamk. Six Beihua nursing teachers have been coached by Jamk in Finland using blended learning methods of mentoring process, who now act as assistant peer teachers when Jamk nursing teachers provide contact teaching to Beihua students in China. In 2017, the Programme successfully passed the quality evaluation conducted by the MoEC.

More information

Xiang He

Projektipäällikkö, Project Manager
Hyvi kehittämispalvelut, Development Services
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies