Enrolment and fees in Jamk Open UAS

Studies in Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences take place in three semesters: autumn, spring and summer. Read more about enrolment and fees.

Enrol and pay online

Studies take place in three semesters. However, the starting time and length of studies may vary. There are two periods for enrolment in both the autumn and spring semesters, depending on the beginning of the studies. The enrolment ends about 2-3 weeks before the course starts. Remember to check the date in every course you are interested in, the deadlines may vary.

Enrolment periods in Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences 2024 - 2025
Period Enrollment starts
Autumn semester (19 Aug - 18 Dec 2024)
- week 42, no contact lessons
1 August 2024 at 9.00 a.m. (Social services and health at 10.00 a.m.) OR
23 September 2024 at 9.00 a.m.
Spring semester (7 Jan - 19 May 2025)
- week 9, no contact lessons
18 Nov 2024 at 9.00 a.m. (Social services and health at 10.00 a.m.) OR
20 Jan 2025 at 9.00 a.m.
Summer semester (20 May - 31 July 2025) 14 April 2025 at 9.00 a.m.


How to enrol

  1. Choose the course or study module, that interests you.
  2. See the course description, information on possible prerequisites and schedules.
  3. Click the link to the electronic form ("Enrol to the course"). The link is on the page, when the enrolment has started (try refreshing your browser).
  4. Fill in the form, choose the products and read the cancellation terms. Mandatory information has been marked with an asterisk (*). Note! If you don't have a Finnish ID number, use your date of birth: ddmmyy. Continue and check the information you entered. When you submit the form, enrolment will enter our system.
  5. Check the courses and products you selected and proceed to online payment. If you are an unemployed job seeker or asylum seeker, skip this step and submit your certificate as instructed below.
  6. After enrolment you will get and email confirmation. Before the studies begin, you will also receive a course letter by email.

Please note

  • Study places are filled based on the order of enrolment (if no other information given)
  • If you got through the online payment successfully, you get a study place.
  • If you are waitlisted, the payment will not be invoiced until open positions become available. We will contact those on the waiting list by email of telephone. If we cannot reach a person within a reasonable time, the study place will be offered to the next one on the list.
  • If the online registration is already closed, you can still ask for free study places by email: avoinamk(at)jamk.fi. However, please note the cancellation terms if you enrol late.

Prior knowledge

Check the required prior knowledge and skills from the description of each course or module. There are no specific requirements for prior education in Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences as such, but please consider the following:

  • The courses may have requirements for prior knowledge and skills, obtained by way of education or otherwise.
  • Master’s degree studies should be based on a bachelor’s degree or similar competence.
  • You will need to possess the necessary abilities for studies at a university of applied sciences.

Are you a degree student in Jamk?

Degree students who have enrolled for attendance in Jamk are not eligible to enrol as Jamk Open UAS students. If you are interested in a particular education and it is not possible to enrol in it in Peppi, discuss your participation as a degree student with the education officer. Students who have enrolled for non-attendance may also enrol in the Open UAS.

Study fees

The study fees in Jamk Open UAS are (vat 0 %):

  • study paths 150 € / semester
  • study modules 10 € / credit
  • single courses 15 € / credit

The study fees are paid online when enrolling. If the study fee is more than 150 euros, the excess can be invoiced. In this case, the invoicing charge 5 euros is added. The one-time installment is always a maximum of 150 euros.

Terms and conditions of delivery

Free-of-charge studies for unemployed job seekers and asylum seekers

Courses in Jamk Open UAS are free for unemployed job seekers and asylum seekers in Finland until 31 July 2025.


  1. Get acquainted with the open studies.
  2. Discuss your study plans and their possible effects on unemployment security with the TE Office.
  3. Enrol: On the electronic form, check the box next to ‘unemployed’ or ‘other’ and write ‘asylum seeker’ in the additional information field. Bypass online payment (you can close the page in the online payment section)
  4. Verify your eligibility for free-of-charge studies within a day by using secure email (link below), message to avoinamk(at)jamk.fi. Enter the title “Certificate for free-of-charge studies” and in the message section the studies / study module for which you have enrolled. You can verify your eligibility by using the following documents:
    • Unemployed jobseeker: Certificate of your jobseeker status in one of the following groups: 02 unemployed, 03 temporarily laid off, 07 covered by a service promoting employment, 08 in training. You can request a certificate via the e-services (Oma asiointi) on the TE Services website.
    • Asylum seekers: A picture ID issued by the Finnish reception centre – as an image or scanned document.

NOTE! Always submit an up-to-date certificate when registering for a new course!

Free-of-charge studies for Jamk alumni

Jamk offers studies for Jamk alumni free-of-charge via Jamk Open UAS, until 31 June 2025:

  • Master-level Route Studies for Bachelor's Degree graduates (for a time period of two years after graduation)
  • Future Factory studies for all Jamk alumni for one year after graduation

On the electronic enrollment form, write “Alumni” in additional information field and bypass online payment (you can close the page in the online payment section). Your graduation date will be checked from Peppi study information system. 

Free-of-charge studies for people who have fled Ukraine and are in Finland with temporary protection -status

Courses in Jamk Open UAS are free for people who have fled Ukraine and are in Finland with temporary protection -status.


  1. Get acquainted with the open studies.
  2. Enrol: On the electronic form, check the box next to ‘other’ and write ‘UKR’ in the additional information field. Bypass online payment (you can close the page in the online payment section)
  3. Verify your eligibility for free-of-charge studies within a day by using secure email (link below), message to avoinamk(at)jamk.fi. Enter the title “Certificate for free-of-charge studies” and in the message section the studies / study module for which you have enrolled. You can verify your eligibility by sending an image or scanned document of
  • the document that you have received from the Finnish police when you applied for temporary protection or asylum 
  • or the decision of temporary protection 
  • and your residence permit card (if you have it)

NOTE! Always submit a certificate when registering for a new course!

Cancelling or interrupting the studies

Terms of Cancellation

Cancelling individual courses and study paths

You may cancel your enrolment free of charge no later than 14 days before the beginning of the course. If the enrolment is cancelled after this, the study fee will not be returned. Non-stop courses cannot be cancelled free of charge.

Cancelling study modules

You may cancel your enrolment free of charge no later than 14 days before the beginning of the course. If the enrolment is cancelled after this, the advance payment (150 €) will not be returned. If the enrolment is cancelled 14 days after the beginning of the studies, the entire study fee will be charged.

Common terms

The cancellation must be submitted in writing. Failing to start the studies will not be seen as a cancellation. Paying the study fee is a requirement for participating in the studies. In case of an illness, returning the study fee will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Cases of Illness

In case of illness, in addition to the cancellation form, please send a medical certificate as a security email:

  • To: avoinamk(at)jamk.fi
  • Subject: Medical certificate
  • Message: your name and the studies you are enrolled in.

Medical certificates are destroyed after verification.