Summer School in Leadership - A Nordic Experience

Intensive, three-week courses have been designed to challenge and inspire you in your studies. Jamk Summer School includes lectures, workshops, get-togethers, and interesting site visits. Each year, Jamk Summer School gathers international faculty and around 200 students from USA, Canada, Argentina, Mexico, China, Nepal, Singapore, and Europe.

Welcome to our Summer School, one of the best experiences of your life!

The Summer School programme starts with a weekend in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. Students are expected to arrive on Friday 30 May. Our student tutors will meet you at the airport and guide you to the city center and your accommodation (two nights at a hostel, a guided sightseeing tour, and bus transfer to Jyväskylä on Sunday 1 June are all included in the administration fee). During the program, you will meet faculty and students from all over the world and get familiar with the practicalities of the summer school. 

Classmates from colleges and universities across the globe will enrich your experience both inside and outside the classroom. Together, you will take courses and broaden your network — an important facet in today’s global, and competitive, workplace environment. Beyond the academic program, our summer school provides an opportunity to experience the future of teamwork in the digital age.

Download Summer School PDF Brochure 

Summer School in Leadership students standing on the chairs leading to Helsinki Cathedral, smiling at the camera

Courses 2025 | 3 ECTS each

In the Jamk Summer School in Leadership - A Nordic Experience programme, you can choose from 1 to 4 courses of your own choice. Each course is worth 3 ECTS. A total of 4 courses adds up to 12 ECTS (6 US or Canadian Credits). After completing the courses, you will receive a Transcript of Records on the credits you have earned.

The studies are a practice-oriented alternative to traditional university education and give you an excellent combination of hands-on skills and a strong theoretical foundation, preparing you for the future leadership roles.

Note: The academic content of some courses is suitable for both Bachelor's and Master's level. Please follow the link to the course descriptions and check the accreditation procedure with your home university. 100% attendance is a requirement to pass the course. This means the student has to attend all sessions of the course. 

Please note that some courses may overlap, so check the schedules when choosing your courses. The course offering is subject to change.

Course schedule

Classes run from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on weekdays depending on how many courses you take.

Instructions on Course Selection

Please choose one course from each block so that the courses will not overlap. Each course has 6 contact sessions (2 hours 45 minutes/session)

Please note that the courses are divided into 2 categories (Category A and Category B) depending on the days of contact sessions. You can take courses from both categories. 

Note! Courses on Monday 2 June will start at 11:00 and run normally. Morning classes will run 11:00-13:45, lunch break 1h, followed by afternoon classes 14:45-17:30. This change concerns only Monday 2 June, the rest of the days follow regular schedule that can be found below.


Category A

The courses in Category A run on Monday 2 June (see info above), Wednesday 4 June, Friday 6 June, Tuesday 10 June, Thursday 12 June, and Tuesday 17 June.

Morning: 9:00-11:45 (choose one)

  • Psychology for Leaders Group 1
  • Corporate Diplomacy
  • AI Tools for Managers Group 1
  • International Business Speaking Group 1

Lunch Break 11:45-12:45

Afternoon: 12:45-15:30 (choose one)

  • Business Creativity Group 1
  • Advanced Engineering, Robotics, and Technology
  • Global Team Leadership Group 1
  • Intercultural Interaction and Influences

Category B

The courses in Category B run on Tuesday 3 June, Thursday 5 June, Monday 9 June, Wednesday 11 June, Monday 16 June, Wednesday 18 June.

Morning: 9:00-11:45 (choose one)

  • Global Team Leadership Group 2
  • Services Design
  • International Business Speaking Group 2
  • Psychology for Leaders Group 2

Lunch Break 11:45-12:45

Afternoon: 12:45-15:30 (choose one)

  • European Corporate Finance
  • Business Creativity Group 2
  • Game Art & Design
  • AI Tools for Managers Group 2

Closing Ceremony and departure

The program ends with the closing ceremony on Wednesday 18th June where you will receive a certificate of attendance. If you're not planning to stay in Finland after the Summer School ends, remember to book a flight from Helsinki Airport for Thursday 19 June. Note that you have to take a train from Jyväskylä to Helsinki Airport on Thursday morning. You are responsible for booking and paying for your own train ticket.

Cancellation policy of the summer school fee

  • Cancellations made on or before 10 April will not be subject to any fee.
  • Cancellations made between 10 April and 20 April will be subject to a 50% fee.
  • Cancellations made after 20 April will be subject to a 100% fee.

Note! Hotel bookings and weekend study tour cancellations are your responsibility as they are not included in the Jamk Summer School fee package. They may have other cancellation policies which you must check on their websites.

Accommodation Options

We recommend you the following accommodation options to choose from.

Verso Urban Hotel

For Verso Hotel, you can make the bookings via the hotel's website with the booking code according to the instructions below.

The hotel is located at the very heart of the city (Kauppakatu street), which grants immediate access to various shopping centers, grocery stores, and restaurants. Room rates include VAT (room 10%, breakfast 14%), wi-fi, guest saunas daily from 5 to 9 pm, and Verso's Finnish buffet breakfast.

Dates & Prices (2025):

  • From 1 June until 19 June 2025
  • Single room 99 €/room/night, total of 1782€
  • Twin room 109 €/room/night (54,5€ per person), total of 1962€ (981€ per person)

Reservations can be made by following the instructions below:

If you already know your roommate who will share the room with you:

  1. Go to Hotel Verso’s website:
  2. Make a reservation for the following periods: 1 June - 19 June 2025
  3. Make sure that the number of adults is set to 2.
  4. Insert the campaign code SUMMERSCHOOL (capital letters).
  5. Add your roommates name, gender and e-mail to the “Comments and requests”, so that they will also get the arrival information from the hotel beforehand.
  6. Please notice that the room will be booked and paid straight from the hotel website. The whole room amount will be charged at once.
  7. Make sure that you got the confirmation letter about the reservation to your e-mail address. If you didn’t receive the confirmation letter, please contact hotel Verso by e-mail [email protected].


If you don’t know your roommate yet, the hotel will combine two persons with same gender to the same rooms. Then follow the instructions below:

  1. Send an email to [email protected] to receive a secure online payment link and a form to be filled
  2. Send the filled form and your information (name, e-mail, phone number and gender) by e-mail to [email protected]. Please mention the campaign code SUMMERSCHOOL while doing the reservation.
  3. Make the payment with your credit card through the payment link. Once the hotel has received the payment, a confirmation letter will follow. After receiving your confirmation letter, your reservation will be valid and confirmed.


If you would like to have a single room, follow the instructions below:

  1. Send an email to [email protected] to receive a secure online payment link and a form to be filled
  2. Send the filled form and your information (name, e-mail, phone number and gender) by e-mail to [email protected]. Please mention the campaign code SUMMERSCHOOL while doing the reservation.
  3. Make the payment with your credit card through the payment link. Once the hotel has received the payment, a confirmation letter will follow. After receiving your confirmation letter, your reservation will be valid and confirmed.


The hotel room allocation is valid until the 30 April 2025. The hotel will send the arrival information by e-mail before the arrival date. The prepaid and reserved rooms are non-refundable.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email or phone: [email protected] / +358 (14) 333 999

Greenstar Hotel

Greenstar Hotel is a 15 minute walk away from Jamk's Rajakatu campus and bookings are done by contacting the hotel through the contact email detailed in the description.

The hotel is located only a 15-minute walk from Jamk’s Rajakatu campus, where the classes will be held. The price includes breakfast, internet access, and the possibility to use laundry, fridges, and kitchenette. Kitchenettes are equipped with a microwave, crockery and fridge lockers in the corridors.

Dates & Prices (2025):

  • 1 June – 19 June 2025
  • Single room: 1476€/person; Double room: 846€/person (1692€ total); 3 person room: 636€/person (1908€ total). Prices include breakfast.

Before booking the room, you must know with whom you will be staying (double room equivalent 2 names, triple rooms equivalent 3 names). Reservations must be made by room, i.e., the roommate to a room must be known when booking. Otherwise, the individual payment will be considered as s single room with a higher price. Every guest reserves and pays the booking themselves  straight from the hotel via e-mail ([email protected]) or phone by 28.4.2025 with the code “SUMMER SCHOOL”.

Everyone pays for themseves, a prepayment of 100 % will be sent to everyone and the due date is 17.5.2025. The prepayment is non-fefundable. The free cancellation date for reservations is 30 April 2025.

Other cancellation conditions: 1 May - 16 May 2025 = 50% cancellation fee.

Forenom Hostel

Forenom Hostel Jyväskylä is located on the main street in Jyväskylä with only a 15 minute walk from Rajakatu campus, where the classes will be held. Reservations can be made on by using our Summer School discount codes.

Dates & Prices 2025

  • 1 June – 19 June (18 nights)
  • Mini room 42€ / night = JAMKS2025
  • Twin room 57€ / night = JAMKS20251

Please note: Only 10 twin rooms are available

Reservations can be made by following the instructions below:

  1. Choose the check-in and check-out date.
  2. Choose the room type (add rooms) and the number of guests.
  3. Continue to book.
  4. In the payment selection, add the discount code.

Please note: When booking a twin room, you need to know your roommate as 1 person has to pay the full price, it is not possible to pay half and half.

Forenom's 24h Customer Service will help with reservations: +358 20 198 3420

Social Programme - Business Summer School

Take part in cultural and social activities in Jyväskylä: e.g. an evening cruise on Lake Päijänne and a traditional Finnish Sauna-night with barbequing and swimming in a lake.

Orientation Weekend in Helsinki and Study Tours

Start your experience with a deep dive into the Finland's capitol city, Helsinki

Student experiences from Business Summer School

Before you make a decision of your life, take a look at student experiences and watch videos published by previous Summer School students.

Jyväskylä, City of Students

Jyväskylä has four beautiful seasons ranging from warm green summers to crisp white winters. The city, located in Central Finland, is surrounded by numerous beautiful lakes and scenic nature. Finland and Jyväskylä are safe places to study and live in. Jyväskylä is a city of students, where every 3rd person that you pass by is a student. The city is very dynamic. Take a look at the sports and cultural activities, not to mention the restaurants and cafés. One of Jamk’s international students was very surprised to get her lost wallet back. This can actually happen in Jyväskylä! Honesty is the hallmark of Finnish culture.

  • a pocket size metropol with a lively urban centre
  • all the services, shops, schools and work are close at hand
  • a wide variety of leisure and sport activities
  • a modern centre for industry and learning
  • situated between lakes and hills
  • population over 140,000

Contact information

Anastasiia Mikhlina

Koulutuskoordinaattori, Education Coordinator
Global Competence, Global Competence
Liiketoiminta, School of Business