Studying at Jamk Summer School
Practical information about Jamk Summer School services and study principles.

Why Summer School at Jamk?
- modern learning environments, skilled personnel and excellent services
- well-equipped facilities and libraries providing free computer services and Internet access
- a wide variety of interesting professional courses taught in English
- an efficient, yet relaxed and international atmosphere
For Whom?
Jamk Summer School offers summer courses in higher education to anyone interested in studying in Jyväskylä. Please note that the fees vary according to which category you belong to.
- Jamk degree students and exchange students at Jamk for min. one full semester: free of charge
- Students from Jamk partner institutions abroad: administration fee varies according to the length of stay (1 week/300€, 2 weeks/500€, 3 weeks/650€-690€, Online Summer School Fee 100€/course)
- Students from non-partner institutions: study fee varies according to the length of stay (1 week/500€, 2 weeks/700€, 3 weeks/1050€, Online Summer School Fee 100€/course)
- For student groups special rates will be negotiated. More information from the contact person of each programme.
Summer School Office and Tutoring
Summer School Office
For May/June we have set up a Summer School Office in room B114 (close to the main lobby INFO desk). It will be open on weekdays from 8 am until 15:30 pm. To help and guide you throughout the Summer School, we have two trainees and Jamk staff members working in the office. You can reach us via email and phone (also on weekends in case of emergencies).
The Student Union of Jamk University of Applied Sciences (JAMKO) employs student tutors whose task is to help the incoming international students with practical matters such as getting around in Jyväskylä. Your tutors will take care of you during your stay in Jyväskylä. They will contact you already before you arrive to introduce themselves and answer your questions.
Information Package
Upon arrival you will get an information package containing all the relevant information and documents concerning the Summer School period. The information package includes: information on studying at Jamk, user-account information for using the Jamk network, a meal subsidy card for student priced lunch, forms for discounts for public transport and Jyväskylä city guide and a map.
Study Principles
Study Principles
- Read more about Jamk's Pedagogical and Ethical Principles on our website.
Courses and Assessment
Learning outcomes are assessed in relation to the competence objectives of the course. Assessment is based on the criteria presented in course descriptions. A Course is assessed as Fail (0) if a student fails to reach the minimum objectives set for course completion Courses are assessed on a scale defined by the course description.
The scale can be, depending on the purpose, either a five-step scale:
5 (Excellent)
4 (Very Good)
3 (Good)
2 (Satisfactory)
1 (Sufficient)
or Pass (S) / Fail (0).
Jamk uses the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credit system, which means that the courses and study modules are credited according to the amount of work they require to attain the requested objectives. One ECTS equals 27h workload by the student.
Certificate and Transcript
At the end of the Summer School you will get a Certificate on your participation. After the Summer School you will be sent a Transcript of Records listing the names and grades of the course(s) you completed successfully.
IT Services
All students have access to the university computing services for free. To use Jamk IT services, you need a personal user account which you will be given upon arrival. The IT Services include Computer Labs, wireless networks around the campus, Jamk e-mail account and mailing lists, electronic study related programmes such as Optima eLearning platform used also by Summer School students.
Library Services
Jamk Library services are available for students, staff and everyone else needing professional information. The library is one of the largest in Central Finland and most of the library services are free of charge.
Student Meals
Every campus has a student cafeteria that serves lunch. For students entitled to a discount, the price of a warm meal in a student restaurant is between 3.06-4.50 euros on weekdays, depending on the chosen meal option. More information about the student restaurants in the Study Guide.