Tuition fees and scholarships

Student group taking a selfie

A legislation concerning tuition fees came into effect 1.1.2016 in Finland. According to the legislation, Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences are obliged to charge tuition fees for those students who are not citizens of countries of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) and starting their degree studies 1 August 2017 and onwards. The legislation concerns degree programmes taught in English and leading to a bachelor's or master's degree.

There are NO tuition fees for Finnish or other EU/EEA-citizens.

On this page, you will find information on tuition fees and scholarship policy:

Read also on:

Students who apply for a degree programme in which the studies starts in 1 August 2017 or later are required to pay tuition fees for that programme. However, if you have started the studies already earlier (e.g. in 2016), you may complete the studies (graduate) in the programme without having to pay tuition fees. The tuition fee does not apply to a student who is studying in a degree programme taught in Finnish or in Swedish.

New UK degree students who arrive in Finland after the 31st of December 2020 are liable to full tuition fee and residence permit requirements like other non-EU/EEA students.

To prove your citizenship or residency status, please attach a copy of your valid passport or national ID card where your citizenship is indicated, and/or a copy of your valid residence permit in Finland, into the online application form.

Read more about the obligation to pay the tuition fees (

Exempting documents

The fees will not concern non-EU/EEA students, who have:

  • Passport or identity card to indicate the citizenship of EU/EEA/Switzerland
  • EU Blue Card in Finland
  • EU Family Member's Residence Card in Finland
  • EU residence permit for third-country citizens with long-term residence permit card in Finland (Type P-EU)
  • Permanent residence permit card in Finland, Type P permit
  • Brexit residence permit card, Type SEU = Right of residence under the withdrawal agreement, or P SEU = Right of permanent residence under the withdrawal agreement
  • a residence permit based on temporary protection
  • Continuous residence permit card in Finland (Type A permit) issued for purposes other than studies may exempt from paying tuition fees. However, the student is required to pay tuition fees if:
    • their first residence permit in Finland was granted for studying, they have to pay tuition fees, even in case they have later obtained a continuous residence permit (type A) on other grounds.
    • they have a continuous residence permit (type A) based on family ties in Finland, and their family member originally came to Finland on a residence permit granted for studying, they are required to pay tuition fees.
    • Please notice that Jamk UAS is obligated to verify the basis of the first residence permit from Finnish Immigration Service.

The above-mentioned list concerns:

  • all new students starting their studies after 1 December 2024 AND
  • students who have begun their studies before 1 December 2024 and who have not had an exempting document before 1 December 2024.

There have been changes to tuition fee exemptions due to changes to the Universities of Applied Sciences Act, starting from 1 December 2024. The list presented above is based on the before mentioned new act.

Receiving the exempting document during the studies

Notice, if the student receives one of the documents mentioned above at any point of the application period or later during studies, the student must submit the document to Jamk Student Services immediately. The student will be exempted from paying the tuition fees starting from the next semester at Jamk as following:

1) If you have begun your studies before 1 December 2024 and you are already exempted from paying the tuition fee: 

In order to be exempted from paying the tuition fee, the residence permit card (or any of the above cards/passport) must have been renewed by the beginning of the semester (1.1. or 1.8.) and student must present the original residence permit card at the Student Services by the end of the enrollment period for the semester. Please find the enrollment periods for semesters here:

2) If you have begun your studies before 1 December 2024 and have not been exempted from paying the tuition fee before 1 December 2024:

Jamk UAS follows the Universities of Applied Sciences Act that entered into force on 1 December 2024. In order to be exempted from paying the tuition fee, see the list above (Exempting documents).

The student must present the exempting document at the Student Services by the end of the enrollment period for the semester. The exempting document must have been granted before the beginning of the academic semester (1.1. or 1.8.). Please find the enrollment periods for semesters here:

The student is responsible to inform Jamk UAS about any changes concerning the residence permit status.

If you are unsure about your situation regarding the exemptions, please contact Jamk Student Services: [email protected].

Terms and conditions

By paying the tuition fee, the student commits to the rules for tuition fee and scholarship system of Jamk. The tuition fee entitles the student to enrol as an attending student in order to study and receive a degree and to use the general support services available for degree students at Jamk. Tuition fee is not paid for semesters when the student has enrolled for non-attendance.

If a student does not pay the required tuition fee by the given deadline one will lose their study entitlement. The decision shall be notified to the student and to the Finnish immigration service. If the student interrupts their studies in the middle of the academic year, the tuition fee is not refunded.

Paying in installments is not possible.

Jamk is obligated by Finnish Tax Law to report all awarded scholarships, with the minimum amount of 1000€ per year, to tax authority.

Withdrawal of study right

Jamk University of Applied Sciences will withdraw the study right:

  • if the applicant/student does not pay the tuition fee by the given deadline
  • if the applicant/student does not enroll for the academic year

The decision shall be notified to a student and to the Finnish immigration service.

Tuition fee refund

The only case in which Jamk can refund the tuition fee (payment) is in the case a student’s residence permit application is declined or they interrupt the residence permit application process, consequently, a student is not able to enter Finland. In this case, Jamk needs an official decision from the Finnish immigration service of the declined residence permit decision before the tuition fee is paid back for the student.

If a student who has paid the tuition fee will not receive a residence permit to Finland, or they interrupt the residence permit application process, the tuition fee can be refunded for the student only starting from the next academic semester from providing the declined residence permit decision or a document stating that the residence permit application process has been cancelled.

  • For example: student receives a negative residence permit decision during Autumn Semester; the refund needs to be applied before December 31st by submitting the negative decision to Jamk Student Services. Only the following Spring Semester tuition fee will be refunded to the student.

Note, in a case a student has already paid the tuition fee for the entire academic year, but graduates by 31 December the fee is returned only if requested by the student.

The tuition fee is refunded using the same method of payment the student used when they made the payment. 

  • For example: if the method of payment has been a bank transfer, the refund must be made to the same bank account.

Students who will start their studies after 1 August 2025

If you are applying for degree studies on spring 2025, please read about the tuition fee and scholarship from this section.

Tuition fee

New regulations starting from 1 August 2025.

Bachelor's degrees

The tuition fee for bachelor's degree programmes is 10 000 € per academic year.

Master's degrees

The tuition fee for master's degree programmes is 12 000 € per academic year.

When to pay the tuition fee

The first academic year's tuition fee must be paid by the deadline of accepting the offered study place. If you have been accepted from waiting list, please follow the given personal schedule.

The next year's tuition fee is due by 31st of May.

Read more about terms and conditions 

Scholarships: Bachelor's degrees

New scholarship programme is starting from 1 August 2025. The scholarships for tuition fee paying bachelor's degree students are granted based on Finnish language skills and can only be granted for an attending student. 

Jamk does not offer scholarship for the first year students.

After the first academic year at the earliest the student can apply for a first scholarship. The requirement for the first scholarship is Finnish language skills level A2 (CEFR, Basic user). The first scholarship is 4000 €.

After the second academic year at the earliest the student can apply for the second scholarship. The requirement for the second scholarship is Finnish language skills level B1 (CEFR, Independent User). The second scholarship is 6000 €.

Only National Certificates of Language Proficiency (YKI) is accepted to prove the level of Finnish language skills.

Language level skills

The National Certificates of Language Proficiency (YKI) test consists of four subtests: 

  • speaking
  • writing
  • listening comprehension
  • reading comprehension. 

For the scholarship it is required to have one of the following combinations at the required level (A2 or B1):

  1. speaking and writing OR
  2. listening comprehension and writing OR
  3. reading comprehension and speaking.

How to apply for the scholarship


Scholarships: Master's degree

New scholarship programme is starting from 1 August 2025.

A scholarship for tuition fee paying master's degree students can be granted if the student graduates in the degree programme's recommended period of study. The scholarship is 4000 €.

The recommended period of study is

  • 2 years for 60 ECTS credits degree programmes
  • 3 years for 90 ECTS credits degree programmes

The student can apply for the scholarship at the end of the studies. It is not possible to apply for the scholarship after graduating.

How to apply for the scholarship


Students who have started their studies between 1 August 2023 - 31 July 2025

Tuition fee

Tuition fee for students that have started between 1 August 2023 - 31 July 2025.

Bachelor's degrees

The tuition fee for bachelor's degree programmes is 9 000 € per academic year.

Master's degrees

The tuition fee for master's degree programmes is 10 000 € per academic year.

Read more about terms and conditions 

First year students: when to pay the tuition fee and how to get a scholarship?

All students admitted for Jamk bachelor’s / master's degrees are granted a scholarship in the first academic year. At Jamk a scholarship can be given only to such students who are required to pay tuition fees.

In the first academic year the scholarship covers 40% of the tuition fee at Jamk.

Students who are required to pay the tuition fee will receive the admission letter and instructions how to pay the tuition fee for the first year. 

Tuition fees and scholarships after the first year

In the following academic years the 40 % scholarship can be received:

  • if a student earns at least 60 credits per academic year in the bachelor’s degrees (30 credits per semester)
  • if a student earns at least 30 credits per academic year in the master's degrees

If the student has attended only for one semester, the minimum required amount of studies for the scholarship is:

  • 30 credits in bachelor's degrees
  • 15 credits in the master's degrees

The scholarship can be received only for the standard study period and only for the semesters one has enrolled for attendance. Therefore, the fee must be paid for all semesters and academic years for which the student enrolls as attending student, including any extension period.

How the credits are counted

The credits are counted cumulatively in the bachelor's and master's degrees. In bachelor's degrees a student must have 60 credits after the first year, 120 after the second and 180 after the third academic year OR at least 60 credits during the previous academic year. For example, a second year student will receive a scholarship if he has studied 80 credits during the first year and 40 credits during the second year (= 120 ECTS credits after the 2nd year).

When to pay the tuition fee

The next year's tuition fee is due by 31st of May. At this point, student pays 60% of the next year's tuition fee.

  • On the 15th of August, the student's completed credits during the previous academic year will be checked.
  • If a student has completed 60 credits (30 credits in Master's degrees) or more, one is granted a scholarship and she/he does not have to pay the rest of the tuition fee*.
  • If a student has completed less than required, one needs to pay the rest of the tuition fee by the 31st of August. 


Students who have started their studies before 1 August 2023

Tuition fee

Tuition fee for students that have started before 1 August 2023:

Bachelor's degrees

The tuition fee for bachelor's degree programmes is 8 000 € per academic year.

Master's degrees

The tuition fee for master's degree programmes is 9 000 € per academic year.

Read more about terms and conditions 

When to pay the tuition fee after the first year

The next year's tuition fee is due by 31st of May. At this point, student pays half of the next year's tuition fee.

  • On the 15th of August, the student's completed credits during the previous academic year will be checked.
  • If a student has completed 60 credits (30 credits in Master's degrees) or more, one is granted a scholarship and she/he does not have to pay the rest of the tuition fee*.
  • If a student has completed less than required, one needs to pay the rest of the tuition fee by the 31st of August. 


The scholarship for students that have started before 1 August 2023:

Bachelor's degrees

The scholarship is 50 %:

  • Scholarship 50% -> Tuition fee: 4000€ after scholarship / academic year
  • 1st year: Scholarship application (included in the joint application form)
  • 2nd - 4th* years: 60 credits done in the previous academic year

Master's degrees

The scholarship is 50%:

  • Scholarship 50% -> Tuition fee: 4500€ after scholarship / academic year
  • 1st year: Scholarship application (included in the joint application form)
  • 2nd-3rd* years: 30 credits done in the previous academic year

*The scholarship can be given only for the standard study period.


Students who have been admitted as a degree student from a separate application

Transfer students from another Finnish UAS

When a transfer student accepts a study place via the transfer process, the study right ends in the present university and starts at Jamk in the beginning of the next academic term.

The starting date of the study right in the previous University of Applied Sciences where the student is transferring from determines the applied tuition fee and scholarship regulations at Jamk.

The credits for the scholarship are counted from the student’s transcript of records of the previous UAS. The scholarship can be received only for the standard study period and only for the semesters one has enrolled for attendance. Therefore, the fee must be paid for all semesters and academic years for which the student enrolls as attending student, including any possible extension period.

Students who gain admission via Open Study Route

The tuition fees also concern non-EU/EEA students who gain admission after applying via Open Study Route.

Students who will start their studies at Jamk as a degree student in academic term of autumn 2023

  • The scholarship covers 40% of the tuition fee if a student earns at least 60 credits per academic year in the bachelor’s degrees (30 credits per semester).
  • The scholarship covers 40% of the tuition fee if a student earns at least 30 credits per academic year in the master’s degrees. 

Please note that tuition fees do not concern students studying as a Jamk Open UAS student (studies do not lead to a degree).

Regranted study right

The tuition fees also concern non-EU/EEA students who gain admission after applying for regranted study right. Students who will apply for regranted study right, please contact studentservices(a) for further guidance on tuition fees and scholarships.


Jamk UAS reserves the right to make changes. 

How to apply for Bachelor’s Degrees

Application timetable and selection criteria for bachelor's degree programmes conducted in English. Application period 8 - 22 January 2025 by 3.00 p.m.

How to apply for Master's Degrees

Application timetable and admission criteria for master's degree programmes conducted in English. Apply 8 - 22 January 2025 by 3.00 p.m.!