Open University Route, spring application

Have you completed courses at Jamk Open UAS? Read more about applying as a degree student for Jamk’s bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes conducted in English.

Sitting students

Welcome to apply for Jamk's degree programmes via Open University Route application! Find important information about the application times and admission process.

The instructions below concern Open University Route application period of spring 2025 on 1 - 15 May 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time for degree programmes conducted in English.

On this page, you will find information about:

Apply 1 - 15 May 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time!

You can access the application during the application period on Carefully read the instructions in the beginning of the application.

You can choose one application option and you can submit only one application form. If you submit several, only the latest will be taken into consideration and all others will be deleted. 

No registration is needed for filling in the application form. You do not have to log in, just open the form and start. Carefully read the instructions at the beginning of the application form.

After submitting the application, you will receive a confirmation email to the address you have given on the application form. In case you need to edit your application, you will find the link to access to your application from the confirmation email. Please make sure that you can access to the same email address you use for submitting the application during the whole student selection process!

Please use your own email address. If you use other person’s email address and they have applied before, the personal information of the other person will transfer to the new application. Please check your email and also your spam email folder regularly.

Application fee

From January 2025 onwards there is going to be an application fee of 100 euros. The application fees are introduced for applications starting 1 January 2025 and onwards, when applying for degree programmes beginning on or after 1 August 2025. 

The application fee is collected for applicants from countries outside EU/EEA seeking education leading to a degree in higher education. There is no application fee for Finnish or EU citizens. The Finnish National Agency of Education will collect the application fee in connection with filling in the Studyinfo application form.

Please notice that paying the application fee does not guarantee that you will be offered admission to studies.


Bachelor's degrees
See the admission criteria for bachelor's degrees and apply!

Requirements for eligibility

Requirements for eligibility

  • Complete altogether at least 55 ECTS credits that can be recognised as part of the degree programme
  • Complete a compulsory mathematics course worth at least 3 ECTS credits (when applying for bachelor's degrees in engineering or in construction management)
  • Please note, that only 10 ECTS credits can be elective studies of the 55 credits.

Language studies are not required. Accredited studies are not accepted as part of the open university studies required for eligibility, but accredited studies are considered only as part of the degree as a degree student.

Studies completed at all open universities in Finland are accepted if the studies are suitable for the applied degree. The suitability of the studies will be checked during admission process. The studies may have been completed as suitable for the degree, known as route studies or individual courses.

Deadlines for completing Open UAS Studies

If you are an applicant as Jamk's Open University Route, the required open studies must be completed and registered by 20 June 2025 (except Campusonline studies completed as a Open UAS Route student must be registered by 22 May 2025).

If you are an applicant on case-by-case basis, the required open studies must be completed and registered by 22 May 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.

Student selection

All applicants of Jamk’s Open University Route application are selected as degree students, in case they fulfill all of the following conditions:

  1. the applicant has completed the required Open University Route Studies at Jamk Open UAS as stated above (see Requirements for eligibility) AND
  2. the applicant applies to the degree programme corresponding with the completed Jamk’s Open University Route studies AND
  3. the first attendance term of Jamk’s Open University Route studies is within maximum of three years to the first academic year as a degree student

In addition, Jamk UAS can admit other eligible applicants on case-by-case basis, in case the study group of the applied degree programme has available study places. If there are more eligible applicants than available study places, the applicants will be selected on the basis of the number and study success of the completed suitable ECTS credits (open studies).

Those applicants,

  • whose Jamk’s Open University Route studies exceed the above-mentioned period of validity (more than three years) OR
  • who have completed their Open studies as singular courses at Jamk’s open UAS OR
  • who have completed their Open studies in other Finnish open universities or open UAS’s than at Jamk’s Open UAS,

can be selected as a student on case-by-case basis.

Applicant's health issues (Health Care and Social Services)

Those applying to study in the field of Health Care and Social Services must have a sufficient good health status and functional capacity to be capable of completing practical assignments and work placement periods as part of the studies. Studying and working in these professions requires sufficient physical, mental and social capacity.

Bachelor Degree programmes available in Open University Route application

  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation and Robotics
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Tourism Management

Application attachments

Transcript of records of studies completed in other Finnish open universities or UAS's

If you have completed your studies at some other Open UAS/university than in Jamk (also Campusonline studies completed as an Open University Route student), please attach your final transcript of records and course descriptions by 22 May 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time to the application. The transcript must be official transcript issued by the higher education institution, screenshots or informal documents are not accepted.  

Notice! It is not necessary to provide an English Language Proficiency certificate while applying via Open University Route.

Application attachments, CampusOnline studies

If you have completed CampusOnline studies as an Open University Route student, please attach share a link to your CampusOnline study records from My Studyinfo and possible course descriptions on your Studyinfo application by 22 May 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time

Alternatively you can also use a transcript of records instead of the MyStudyinfo link.

Please notice that the CampusOnline studies are accepted as part of the studies required for the eligibility for Open University Route application only if you have shared the MyStudyinfo link (or transcript of records) of the studies to your Studyinfo application. 

CampusOnline studies registered to Peppi are not accepted for eligibility without sharing the  MyStudyinfo link or submitting the transcript of records to the Studyinfo application.

Bachelor's degree applicant, see the important dates here!


1. Apply on

  • Apply in Open University Route application on 1 – 15 May 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.
  • Application takes place on service. 

2. Attach transcript of records of studies completed in other Finnish open universities or UAS's

  • Attach the official transcript of records to your application of studies completed elsewhere than at Jamk UAS (at least 55 ECTS credits) OR 
  • Share a link to your studies from My Studyinfo service by 22 May 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. (Concerns also CampusOnline studies completed as an Open University Route student)
  • Attach course descriptions of your completed studies service by 22 May 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. 
  • You can inquire the descriptions from the open university or open UAS where you completed the studies.


Complete the Open University Route studies at Jamk UAS

  • You are an applicant on case-by-case basis: The required open studies (55 ECTS credits) must be completed and registered by 22 May 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time in case:
    • your Jamk’s Open University Route studies will exceed the period of validity (more than three years) OR
    • you are completing your studies at Jamk’s Open UAS as singular courses OR
    • you are completing part of the required studies as Jamk’s Open University Route student and other parts in elsewhere than at Jamk’s Open UAS
  • You are an applicant as Jamk's Open University Route: The required open studies (55 ECTS credits) must be completed and registered by 20 June 2025 in case:
    • you are completing all of the required Open University Route Studies at Jamk Open UAS and the first attendance term of Jamk’s Open University Route studies is within maximum of three years to the first academic year as a degree student
    • It is not necessary to submit the transcript of records of studies completed at Jamk's open UAS.

3.  Results of student admissions

  • The results are published by 3 July 2025 at the latest. 
  • A notification e-mail of an available study place will be sent to the e-mails address you stated on your application
  • You can also see the results of student admissions on My Studyinfo service. You can access to My Studyinfo by logging in via e-Identification with Finnish online banking credentials (e-identification must be enabled), a Finnish electronic ID-card or mobile certificate.

4. Accept an offer of study place

  • Accept the offered study place by 10 July 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.
  • Enroll as an attending or non-attending student by 10 July 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.

5. Welcome to study at Jamk UAS!

  • Your studies will begin in autumn 2025. Please follow our communication by e-mail.
  • Read also our new student’s guide.


Master's degrees
See the admission criteria for master's degrees and apply!

Requirements for eligibility

Requirements for Jamk Open University Route for Master's degrees:

  • Anyone who fulfills the degree and work requirements AND
  • who has completed / will complete at least 20 ECTS (in Master of Engineering) / 30 ECTS (other than Master of Engineering) credits worth of Open UAS Studies that can be recognised as part of the degree programme, may apply to become a degree student via Open University Route.

Studies completed at Jamk have to be registered by 20 June 2025. If the applicant has completed some or all studies at another open UAS/University (also Campusonline studies completed during as a Open University Route student), the studies have to be registered by 22 May 2025 and the applicant has to attach the transcript to the application by 22 May 2025 by 3.00 p.m. at the latest.

The credits can be completed in any Finnish Open UAS/University in a corresponding programme (Open UAS Studies).

Accredited studies are not accepted as part of the open university studies required for eligibility, but accredited studies are considered only as part of the degree as a degree student.

Degree and work experience requirements

The Open University Route for master’s degree does not exempt applicants from the degree and work experience requirements. Consequently, all applicants applying via Open University Route still need to have a required bachelor's level degree (stated in the entrance requirements for each degree programme), and at least two years (24 months) of relevant work experience gained after the bachelor's degree.

In case you do not have a higher education qualification from the relevant field, you can also gain eligibility with some other suitable higher education qualification, Finnish vocational college diploma or a Finnish higher vocational diploma. Applicants who apply with any other degree than with the relevant higher education degree specified above, are considered case-by-case based by their educational background and work experience.

Master's degree programmes in Open University Route

  • Master of Business Administration, Sport Business Management
  • Master of Business Administration, International Business Management
  • Master of Engineering, Robotics
  • Master of Engineering, Full Stack Software Development
  • Master of Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
  • Master of Health Care, Sport and Exercise Physiotherapy
  • Master of Health Care, Digital Rehabilitation

Student selection

The selection is based on the Open UAS Studies, so one does not have to take part in the normal student selection process (joint application system) or participate in an entrance examination. 

All applicants who have the required bachelor's degree and at least 24 months of relevant work experience after the bachelor's degree and have completed at least 30 ECTS credits (other than Master of Engineering) / 20 ECTS credits (Master of Engineering) worth of Open UAS Studies that can be recognised as part of the degree programme by the end of the application period, are admitted as degree students. 

Application attachments

Transcript of records of Open UAS Studies

If you have completed your open studies at Jamk's Open UAS it is not necessary to submit a transcript of records of your Open UAS studies to your application.

If you have completed your studies in some other Open UAS/university than at Jamk: 

  • attach your final transcript of records OR
  • share a link to your study records from My Studyinfo and 
  • attach course descriptions by 22 May 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time to the application.

Please notice that,

  • The transcript must be official transcript issued by the other Open UAS/University.
  • This requirement concerns also CampusOnline studies

Degree and work certificates

All applicants need to attach the following documents to the application:

  • a copy of the bachelor’s degree certificate
  • a copy of transcript of records of the bachelor's degree
  • copies of work certificates after the bachelor’s degree
  • authorised translations of the certificates, if the certificates are written in any other language than Finnish, Swedish or English. The translator must sign and stamp the translations. 

Only those applicants' applications will be processed who have completed studies in open UAS/University in Finland, and fulfill the degree and work experience requirements.

Application attachments, CampusOnline studies

If you have completed CampusOnline studies as an Open University Route student, please attach share a link to your CampusOnline study records from My Studyinfo and possible course descriptions on your Studyinfo application by 22 May 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time

Alternatively you can also use a transcript of records instead of the MyStudyinfo link.

Please notice that the CampusOnline studies are accepted as part of the studies required for the eligibility for Open University Route application only if you have shared the MyStudyinfo link (or transcript of records) of the studies to your Studyinfo application. 

CampusOnline studies registered to Peppi are not accepted for eligibility without sharing the  MyStudyinfo link or submitting the transcript of records to the Studyinfo application.

Master's degree applicant, see the important dates here!

Timetable and deadlines

1. Apply on

  • Apply in Open University Route application of spring 2025 on 1 – 15 May 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.
  • Application takes place on service. 

2. Attach your degree and work certificates

  • Attach your bachelor’s degree certificate and transcript of records by 22 May 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time OR
  • If you have a Finnish degree, share a link to your degree from My Studyinfo service by 22 May 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.
  • Attach your work certificates by 22 May 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time
  • Attach the official transcript of records to your application of studies completed elsewhere than at Jamk by 22 May 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time OR 
  • Share a link to your open studies from My Studyinfo service by 22 May 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.
    • 90 ECTS credits master’s degrees: at least 30 ECTS credits of open studies 
    • 60 ECTS credits master’s degrees: at least 20 ECTS credits of open studies 
  • Attach also course descriptions of your completed studies service by 22 May 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. You can inquire the descriptions from the open university or open UAS where you completed the studies.
  • If all of the open studies have been completed at Jamk’s open UAS, it is not necessary to submit the transcript of records.

3. Attach the official transcript of records to your application of studies completed in other Finnish Open universities or Open UAS’s


Complete the Open University Route studies at Jamk UAS

  • The required open studies must be completed and registered by 20 June 2025.

4.  Results of student admissions

  • The results are published by 3 July 2025 at the latest. 
  • A notification e-mail of an available study place will be sent to the e-mails address you stated on your application
  • You can also see the results of student admissions on My Studyinfo service. You can access to My Studyinfo by logging in via e-Identification with Finnish online banking credentials (e-identification must be enabled), a Finnish electronic ID-card or mobile certificate.

5. Accept an offer of study place

  • Accept the offered study place by 10 July 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.
  • Enroll as an attending or non-attending student by 10 July 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.
  • In case you did not have the required work experience (at least 24 months) during the application period and your student admission was conditional, attach updated work certificates to your application by 31 July 2025.

6. Welcome to study at Jamk UAS!

  • Your studies will begin in autumn 2025. Please follow our communication by e-mail.
  • Read also our new student’s guide.

Accept the offer of admission

If you have been admitted to a study programme, you will receive a notification of this to your email.

  • You must accept the offer of admission by 10 July 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time, or you will lose your offer. 
  • You can accept only one offer of admission per academic term.
  • Accepting an offer of admission is a binding choice, and you cannot cancel or change your choice later.
  • When you accept an offer of admission, all your other admission offers will be cancelled automatically.
  • You cannot be accepted to other programmes starting in the same academic term after you have accepted an offer of admission.

Enroll for attendance / non-attendance

In addition of accepting the offer of admission, enrol for attendance latest at 10 July 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time, according to the e-mail instructions. Non-enrolment (both for attendance and non-attendance) leads to loss of study entitlement.

Students may enrol as non-attending students in the first year only if they are

  • completing their military or civil service in accordance with the Conscription Act, Non-Military Service Act or Act on Women's Voluntary Military Service
  • on maternity, paternity or parental leave
  • incapable of commencing the studies due to personal illness or disability.

The absence must be verified with official documents during the enrolment period in Student Services. If the documents are insufficient or are not delivered during the enrolment period, the student in question will be registered as attending.

Tuition fees and scholarships

The tuition fee must be paid by 10 July 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. ​​​Applicants who are required to pay the tuition fee will receive the admission letter and instructions how to pay the tuition fee for the first year. 

If you are exempted from paying the tuition fee, please attach a copy of your valid passport or national ID card where your citizenship is indicated, and/or a copy of the exempting document to the online application form.


If you are not satisfied with the student admission decision, please contact Jamk Admission Services by e-mail. If the student admission decision is still not reasonable, you may submit a written appeal within 14 days of receiving the notification of the decision.

Appeal based on personal circumstances (f.e. difficult life situation, misunderstanding, health reasons) will not be considered as valid reasons for appeal.

The written appeal must be well-grounded, and it must contain accurate information on where Jamk UAS has not followed the admission criteria.

The following information must be included:

  • contact details
  • the applied degree programme in question
  • which section of the admission criteria was not followed by Jamk
  • which section of the decision should be rectified
  • the grounds for the appeal
  • possible documents that are used as a basis of the appeal

Submit the appeal by post or by e-mail:

Jamk Study Affairs Board 

Rajakatu 35
40200 Jyväskylä, Finland


[email protected]

Please note that the appeal must be submitted for Jamk Study Affairs Board by the set deadline, regardless of the submitting mean.

The appeal will be reviewed by Jamk Study Affairs Board. The decision made by Jamk Study Affairs Board is announced to the applicant in written. The appeal process might take a few weeks.

New Student via Open University Route

Degree student via open university route application - welcome! Please follow these instructions to ensure your study place.

Tuition fees and scholarships

Read about the tuition fee and scholarship policy of Jamk UAS. The tuition fee for bachelor's degrees per academic year is 10 000€. The tuition fee for master's degrees per academic year is 12 000€. Scholarship available under certain conditions.

Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences

Studies in Open University of Applied Sciences are available to everyone, irrespective of age and educational background.

Student in Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences

Welcome to Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences! Find important information on studying with us.

Admission Services

Admission Services will assist you in all matters related to applying for degree programmes.