Single course
Global Supply Chain Management (online)
Logistics and supply chain management are unique, representing a paradox to some extent, as they involve one of the oldest and simultaneously one of the most recently acknowledged business activities. The activities within the supply chain system, such as communication, inventory management, warehousing, transportation, and facility location, have been integral since the inception of commercial endeavors. It is challenging to envision any product reaching a customer without the essential support provided by logistics.
However, it is only in recent years that companies have begun recognizing logistics and supply chain management as a crucial source of competitive advantage. There is a growing realization that a company's performance is inherently tied to the effectiveness of its logistics system. This recognition is amplified by the shrinking product life cycles and the heightened levels of competition in the contemporary business landscape.
Today, logistics and supply chain management present both a significant challenge and a tremendous opportunity for most firms, given the dynamic nature of business environments.
In this course, we will look closely at supply chain management from a general manager's viewpoint. We shall focus on the crucial role of logistics and how to efficiently handle the transfer of information or products in a supply chain. The course will highlight the connection between the design of a logistics system and the main goals of the supply chain.
Our main goal is to understand how the choices made in logistics can deeply impact both the performance of a single company and the overall effectiveness of the supply chain. Throughout the class, we will explore the important connections between the structures of supply chains and the logistical abilities of a company or supply chain. Additionally, we will talk about the modern idea of the demand chain, using logistics management, supply chain management, and demand chain management interchangeably to give a complete understanding of how they all work together in the business world.
This course emphasizes the following key aspects: Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Learning to learn, Internationality and Multiculturalism and responsible international business management
Implementation methods
- Self-paced learning according to your own schedule
- Distance learning, specifically through the study of the virtual study environment (Moodle)
- Assignments
- Examination
Additional information
More information: [email protected]
The course code is HB00CJ43-3001. Use the code to view the course schedule at NOTE! Online courses may not have a schedule.
If you are an unemployed jobseeker or an asylum seeker, the studies are free of charge. Studies are also free for people who have fled Ukraine and are in Finland with temporary protection -status. In these cases, you are to make online payment and use the secure email to submit the certificate without delay. After that you will be refunded. Instructions:…