Bachelor's Degree

EFMD Accredited BBA programme in International Business

International Business, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Want to get a high quality international business education in Finland, get classmates from all over the world, and develop your English skills? If yes, this is something for you!

Jamk's BBA in International Business provides students with the knowledge and core business management skills they need to succeed in the global marketplace. You will study the whole degree in English.

Apply 3-17 January 2024 on
International students in student restaurant
Product scope
210 ECTS
Annual intake
Application period
03.01.2024 - 17.01.2024
Bachelor of Business Administration
Study modes
Full-time studies

Bachelor of Business Administration, in-class delivery

The programme offers a learning environment to develop your much-valued competences - the necessary knowledge, skills, and interactions to become a responsible manager of tomorrow. After graduation you should have the needed tools and skills to develop creative and sustainable solutions to global business challenges, explore new business opportunities in global markets, and manage business operations efficiently, ethically, and responsibly in an international work environment and multicultural teams. IB works as a pathway for you to become a responsible manager of tomorrow.

Jamk's International Business is the only EFMD Accredited Bachelor (previously known as EPAS) level programme among Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. The EPAS accreditation, since 2012, is a sign of Jamk’s high international quality standards in academic performance, as well as relevance to the working life. The ever-changing requirements of the corporate world are very well integrated into the programme. 

Meet the teachers and staff members of the IB degree programme

Hear what students have to say about studying International Business at Jamk

Intended Learning Outcomes of the Programme

Our international business studies help you develop your knowledge and skills in multiple fields critical to succeeding in the global marketplace, such as:

  • critical and analytical mindset for reviewing existing knowledge, continuous learning, and seeking conclusions (Learning to Learn)
  • feasible and user-friendly solution development by applying knowledge, critical reasoning, and analytical skills (Proactive Development)
  • empathy and appreciation towards other cultures and effective communication skills in written and oral English  (Internationality and Multiculturalism)
  • benchmarking and demonstrating responsible conduct according to well-established, international norms and standards (Ethics)
  • promoting and reflecting upon personal and professional learning in order to enhance your career development (Operating in a workplace)
  • appreciation and understanding for sustainability and its practices that affect everyone from individuals to society at large – as well as its relation to business (Sustainable development)*
  • intellectual capabilities and problem solving skills needed by responsible managers of tomorrow (Responsible international business management)*

*Principles for Responsible Management Education (UNPRME) and UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

First year

During the first year, students concentrate on core managerial skills for ethical, responsible and sustainable business in the fields of marketing, management, finance and accounting, communication and research. They acquire the theoretical foundation of the business world, which helps them to understand business practices in global contexts.

It is highly recommended to include Finnish language studies into your first year study plan.

Second yeard

During the second year, students choose one academic track to focus on and apply their skills in real life projects and the bachelor’s thesis. The Academic Tracks are Marketing Management, Cross Cultural Management, Technology Business and Future Foresight, Finance and Corporate Governance, Innovation Management, and Circular Economy and Sustainable Development (academic track). 

Continuing your Finnish language studies during your second year is highly recommended.

Third year

The third academic year is dedicated to international exposure, personal complementary studies and specialization together with practical training and/or an exchange period abroad. Students are encouraged to choose their specialisation studies at our 100+ partner institutions. Students can also widen their experiences and skills by pursuing a double degree at one of our accredited partner universities in France or Germany. In case a student takes one more semester at Jamk IB offers a variety of studies to focus on.

The students who have improved their Finnish language (min. 15 ECTS) and are interested in staying in Finland to keep a track of the latest job and training opportunities can finalize their studies here at Jamk. Please note that this does not apply to Finnish students. 


I wanted to study at Jamk, because I always had a dream of living in Europe and I knew that Jamk would open many doors and opportunities for me to have a more solid future here in Europe.

Camila Vergara Salgado

Read Camila's story on our website

Curriculum development through networks

Jamk's School of Business is an active member in numerous networks of education and business. This means your studies are based on international, high standards of research and development work.

Graduate Jobs

According to our alumni survey our graduates work in professions such as:

  • Managing Director
  • HR Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Finance Specialist
  • HR Specialist
  • Sales & Marketing Specialist
  • Key Account Manager
  • Product & Sales Manager

Many alumni are business owners themselves. We also encourage our graduates to form a profession of their own by understanding what makes them unique and offering that to companies.

How to apply in January

Short step-by-step instructions on how to apply. The students for International Business are selected from three selection queues:

  1. International UAS Exam: 40% of study places
  2. 120 ECTS credits of BBA studies: 30% of study places
  3. Certificate-based selection, Finnish Matriculation examination: 30% of study places

1. Application time 3 – 17 January 2024 by 3.00 pm on

You can apply with upper secondary school certificate or with a higher education certificate. You can also apply even if your secondary school degree certificate is completed during the spring of applying (high school / senior secondary school certificate). Jamk uses also discretionary admission.

Apply online 3 - 17 January 2024 by 3.00 pm Finnish time (UTC+2) on

To be selected by the International UAS Exam, you must submit an English language proficiency certificate by 24 January 2024, 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.

2. Deadline for the enclosures 24 January 2024 by 3.00 pm

The required enclosures need to be attached to the online application form by 24 January 2024 by 3.00 pm Finnish time (e.g. as pdf/jpg/png -files).

To be selected by the International UAS Exam, you must submit also an English language proficiency certificate by 24 January 2024, 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.

3. International UAS Exam

International UAS online Entrance examination concerns Jamk's International Business, Tourism Management, Nursing, Purchasing and Logistics Engineering & Automation and Robotics.

The International UAS Exam will be held online 21 March 2024.

The entrance examination assesses the applicants’ abilities to study in universities of applied sciences. The entrance examination does not contain any pre-reading materials or pre-tasks. Applicant must score minimum points in order to be selected for admission.

English language profiency certificate

In order to be considered for selection by the International UAS Exam, the applicants have to prove their English language skills by 24 January 2024, 3.00 pm Finnish time. Read more from How to Apply for Bachelor's degrees (Who can apply? -> International UAS Exam: English language requirements) .

Identification documents

The applicant needs a valid, acceptable identification document to be able to participate in the International UAS Exam. The passport/identity card has to be valid until 21 March 2024. The following documents are accepted as proof of identity:  

  • A passport
  • A biometric EU/EEA identification card

Submitting the identification document

  • You have to submit the number of your passport or EU/EEA identification card to the application form during the application period.
  • In addition, you have to attach a copy of that document to your application form on 24 January 2024 at 3:00 pm Finnish time (UTC+2) at the latest.
  • You must attach a copy of both sides of the EU/EEA identification card to your application form.
  • If the information you submit is incorrect or you do not submit this information to the application by the given time limit, you cannot identify yourself in the exam.

Read more about identification and up to date information on 

4. 120 ECTS credits of BBA Studies: Interview

This admission method concerns applicants who are completing or have completed (within 5 years) 120 ECTS credits of BBA Studies (bachelor’s level studies in Business Administration):

  • in the International EBP Bachelor programme of Kedge Business School France and has chosen Jamk as the partner university, OR
  • in Yenepoya (Deemed to be University), India:

    An applicant from the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programme with a specialization in Entrepreneurship and Business Analytics OR Business Analytics and Digital Marketing, offered by The Yenepoya Institute of Arts, Science, Commerce and Management (YIASCM), under The Faculty of Commerce and Management of Yenepoya (Deemed to be University), Mangalore, India OR
  • in Middle East College, Oman: An applicant from the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Administration (General Management) programme at Middle East College, Muscat, Oman.

The applicants must have begun their studies (the first enrolment as an attending student) in autumn 2019 or later.

Applicants with 120 ECTS credits completed in higher education institution approved by Jamk, must attach transcript of records to the online application:

  • 90 credits completed by 24 January 2024 at 3.00 pm Finnish time,
  • total 120 credits completed by 11 July 2024 at 3.00 pm Finnish time.

Please notice that applicants applying with 120 ECTS credits BBA level studies must also fulfill the general entry requirements for eligibility (senior secondary degree). Those selected based on 120 ECTS credits do not need to provide an English language proficiency certificate.


All eligible applicants who have demonstrated their eligibility will be invited to the interview.

  • The online interview will be held from February 2024 onwards.
  • The applicant must score at least 40/100 points from the interview in order to pass the interview and have a chance to be admitted for the programme.

This selection method concerns ONLY Jamk's International Business.

5. Certificate-based selection (completed in Finland)

Finnish Matriculation examination

The certificate-based selection concerns applicants who have completed or will be completed during spring of applying:

  • the Finnish matriculation examination (completed in Finland)
  • International Baccalaureate diploma (IB)
  • European Baccalaureate diploma (EB)
  • Reifeprüfung (RP) diploma completed in Finland or 
  • Deutsche Internationale Abitur (DIA) diploma completed in Finland.   

Admission is based on the points awarded from matriculation examination.

  • Those selected based on matriculation examination certificate do not need to provide an English language proficiency certificate.
  • The results of the certificate-based selection will be published by 27 May 2024 at the latest.
  • If the applicant wants to have a chance to be selected by both certificate-based selection and international UAS Exam, they must attend the UAS Exam which is held before the results of the certificate-based selection are published.

Scoring and more detailed information about certificate-based selection by matriculation examination on website.

6. Results and accepting the study place

Results are announced end of March at the earliest and on 31 May 2024, at the latest.


  1. accept the study place on
  2. enrol for attendance/non-attendance on
  3. NON-EU/EEA citizens: pay the tuition fee payment as soon as possible
  4. start the residence permit (if needed) application process immediately in April to be able to start your studies in August. The residence permit application process might take time over 2 months, so be in time!

The final deadline to accept the study place, enrol for attendance and pay the possible tuition fee is 11 July 2024 by 3:00 pm Finnish time. There are no tuition fees for Finnish or other EU/EEA citizens.

Studies will begin in the middle of August 2024. Please, arrive to Jyväskylä, Finland by that time!

Contact information

Matti Hirsilä

Päällikkö global competence, Head of Department Global Competence
Global Competence, Global Competence
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Daniil Ruzhinskii

Koulutuskoordinaattori, Education Coordinator
Global Competence, Global Competence
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

How to apply for Bachelor’s Degrees

Application timetable and selection criteria for bachelor's degree programmes conducted in English. Application period 3 - 17 January 2024 by 3.00 p.m.

Tuition fees and scholarships

The tuition fee concerns non-EU/EEA degree students who study in English-taught Bachelor's or Master's degree programme. Scholarship available.

Admission Services

Admission Services will assist you in all matters related to applying for degree programmes.