Supplementary Application, summer 2024

Welcome to apply to Jamk in Supplementary Application! During the Supplementary Application Period in July 2024, you can apply to the degree programmes which has study places available. 

Apply online 1 – 31 July 2024 by 3.00 p.m Finnish time on

Students having a picnic

Apply online 1 – 31 July 2024 by 3.00 p.m Finnish time!

You can access the application form during the application period from the link below or from the degree programme description on 

No registration is needed for filling in the application form. You do not have to log in, just open the form and start. Carefully read the instructions at the beginning of the application form.

After submitting the application, you will receive a confirmation email to the address you have given on the application form. You can edit the application you've already submitted during the application period through the link you've received. Changing the order of preferences and removing or adding application choices is no longer possible after the application period has ended.

Please notice that you can submit only one application form. If you submit several applications, only the latest will be taken into consideration and all others will be deleted.

You may accept only one study place leading to a higher education degree in Finland in education that begins in the same academic term (1st August 2024 to 31th December 2024). 


Get a Bachelor's Degree
Take the next step toward building your future and start your journey with us!

During the Supplementary Application Period in July 2024, you can apply to the following Bachelor's level degree programme conducted in English. Find important information about the application times and admission process the link below.


Get a Master's Degree
Expand your perspective on the expertise of your field and the challenges of future working life!

During the Supplementary Application Period in July 2024, you can apply to the following Master's level degree programmes conducted in English. Find important information about the application times and admission processes the links below.

Work Experience in Master's Degrees

The minimum requirement regarding work experience is at least two years (24 months) of relevant work experience gained after the bachelor's degree.

Jamk accepts work experience also after a vocational college diploma or a higher vocational diploma (in Finnish: opistoasteen tutkinto, ammatillisen korkea-asteen tutkinto) before completing a bachelor's degree. If an applicant has completed one of these diplomas before graduating from the bachelor's degree, the work experience is accepted also after the prior degree. Even in this case the minimum requirement of work experience from the field is 2 years (24 months).

The work experience must be from the field of the degree (used for applying) or from field that the applicant is currently applying. An applicant can count in work experience in joint application of spring 2024 until 31 July 2024.

  • Part-time work can be converted into full-time equivalents, such that 150 hours or 20 full workdays (at least 7 hours per day) correspond to one month of work.
  • Work experience as an entrepreneur will be accepted if the applicant submits an official certificate stating the entrepreneurship. For example, a Finnish entrepreneur must submit YEL- or MYEL-insurance certificate.
  • Practical training or on-the-job learning is not counted as work experience if it has been a part of the degree used for applying.
  • Service in an army, non-military service or nursing leave is not considered as work experience.
  • Parental leave during employment is accepted as work experience.

Work certificates

The work experience must be demonstrated with work certificates. A work certificate is a written official document that contains information about the job position of an employee of the company. Employees can request this certificate from their employer or from human resource department.

Note that the work certificates must include the following information:

  • working title and a job description
  • length of employment (date of beginning and termination of employment or information whether the employment is still active)
  • date of issue
  • a signature of the employer

Please note, that in case you do not submit work certificates which include all the information listed above, your application cannot be considered for admission.

Please note that the following documents are not accepted as work certificates:

  • letters of recommendations,
  • employment offer letters,
  • employment contracts,
  • a resume/CV.

Apply to Jamk

It's your future - make it, don't wait for it. There is demand for Jamk graduates: they have the know-how, the right kind of attitude, and pride in their professional skills. Being a professional offers you more choices in life and career.

How to apply

Information about the application times, entry requirements, selection criteria, required certificates etc. on Jamk's applying instructions!

Admission Services

Admission Services will assist you in all matters related to applying for degree programmes.