Research in multidisciplinary rehabilitation

Futuristic picture of a tablet computer in person's hand

Research carried out in the competence area of multidisciplinary rehabilitation is extensive and Interdisciplinary research. The focus of the research is on the development of new rehabilitation methods and operating models for rehabilitation and the evaluation of their effectiveness. The interdisciplinary nature of our research activities is highlighted when different disciplines, methods and professional groups meet.

The Jamk Institute of Rehabilitation conducts research in cooperation with rehabilitation professionals and the national and international research network.

Multidisciplinary rehabilitation as part of society

Research activities strongly follow societal changes that shape the field of rehabilitation. The ever-evolving technology offers potential solutions, for example, to the challenges that arise in the organisation of rehabilitation services with the change in the age structure of the population. Various digital rehabilitation solutions can be used to answer both the questions of availability and accessibility of health services and thus increase the equality of well-being and health in our society.  

Another change in the field of rehabilitation is the increasing emphasis on the social perspective. In the competence area of multidisciplinary rehabilitation, the social dimension is widely understood as a cross-cutting dimension, and it is important to take this dimension into account in the research and development of rehabilitation. The focus is on supporting the rehabilitatee's social inclusion, strengthening independent everyday life, and modifying operating environments to support rehabilitation.

Research in multidisciplinary rehabilitation is financed by, for example, Academy of Finland, Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela), Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Business Finland, Employment Protection Fund, and foundations.

Get to know our research themes

Digital rehabilitation

Digital rehabilitation refers to the use of digital services and technologies as part of the different stages of the rehabilitation process (evaluation, setting goals, implementation, assessment, follow-up).

Nature and well-being

Environmental crises and the green transition are the biggest challenges of our time, which we strive to meet by producing new knowledge about pro-environmental behaviour, well-being and the effects nature has on well-being.

Social interaction, guidance and coaching

We produce practically applicable knowledge on interaction practices that promote or prevent the goal-oriented implementation of rehabilitation processes.

Well-being at work, work ability and transferable skills

Healthy and long working careers, coping at work and good work ability are key societal goals that can be promoted through rehabilitation.

Functional capacity, participation and well-being of older people

As the population ages, it is important to obtain information on the functional capacity, participation and well-being of older people so that rehabilitation can be targeted in a timely manner and in accessible environments.

More information

Katariina Korniloff

Johtava tutkija, Principal Researcher
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Katriina Hyvönen

Vanhempi tutkija, Senior Researcher
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Outi Alakärppä

Tutkija, Researcher
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Eeva Aartolahti

Vanhempi tutkija, Senior Researcher
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Sanni Tiitinen

Vanhempi tutkija, Senior Researcher
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Emmi Matikainen-Tervola

Tutkija, Researcher
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Sanna Sihvonen

Yliopettaja, Principal Lecturer
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Julija Chichaeva

Tutkija, Researcher
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Aino Alaverdyan

Tutkija, Researcher
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Jane Paakkolanvaara

Tutkija, Researcher
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Paavo Nyländen

Tutkimusassistentti, Research Assistant
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies