Accelerator programme 2024

The international bioeconomy accelerator programme launched in cooperation by Jamk University of Applied Sciences and Innovestor starts now! The partner companies of the BioBoosters accelerator programme are Valtra, AGCO Power, and Neste. 10 top startups in agrotechnology were chosen for the programme from among hundreds of evaluated companies. The programme aims to build cooperation between agritech and bioeconomy startups and growth companies with corporations, investors and end users.

Below you can get to know the startups selected to the accelerator programme 2024!

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Startups selected to the accelerator programme 2024

BioBoosters accelerator programme 2024 timeline

28th Aug Collaboration Co-Creation Kickoff @Valtra, Suolahti

  • Goals for the programme
  • Tools for the programme
  • First ideas of the possible collaboration model

25th Sep Drafting cooperation plan online

  • Online 1:1 meetings between startups and programme partners
  • Target to draft a plan for cooperation

23nd Oct Growth workshop @Neste, Espoo

  • Keynotes + group work
  • 1:1 follow-up meetings for solving cooperation plan details

19th Nov Deal Day @Oodi, Helsinki

  • Startups pitching 
  • 1-on-1 meetings with selected corporate representatives & investors
BioBoosters accelerator programme 2024

Our partner companies

Contact us

Annimari Lehtomäki

Johtava asiantuntija, Chief Specialist
Biotalousinstituutti, Institute of Bioeconomy
Teknologia, School of Technology

Liinamaaria Hakola

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Liiketalous, Business Administration
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

The BioBoosters accelerator programme is implemented as part of the "Finnish Future Farm" project funded by The Regional Council of Central Finland. In the “Finnish Future Farm” -project, a physical and virtual testbed environment and a center of expertise for testing, demonstrating and co-creating Smart Agriculture in Nordic conditions will be created at the Bioeconomy Campus in Saarijärvi, Central Finland. The main implementer of the project is Jamk University of Applied Sciences and co-partner is POKE Vocational College. The project is supported by several top companies in the field, such as Valtra, AGCO Power and Neste, as well as the city of Saarijärvi.