Career Monitoring

Five years after graduation, you will receive a questionnaire asking for your views on the competence produced by your bachelor's / master's degree and mapping your situation in the labour market. By answering, you provide students with information about employment in the field and feedback to Jamk on the effectiveness of education. Career monitoring survey is also part of the funding indicators of universities of applied sciences.

Career Monitoring Survey Uraseuranta

The Career Monitoring Survey is sent to students who graduated from a University of Applied Sciences with a bachelor’s or a master’s degree five years earlier. The aim of the survey is to examine the careers and employability of the graduates as well as to explore their satisfaction with their chosen degree. Some questions also measure the quality of employment. These questions determine 3% of the basic funding for Universities of Applied Sciences.

Did you graduate from Jamk five years ago?

In October, you will receive an invitation to respond to Career Monitoring both by text message and by e-mail. Please answer the survey and help Jamk develop! At the same time as Career Monitoring, you may also receive a call from Jamk where we ask for your views on one of our current development issues. We are very much looking forward to our chat together!

Did you change your e-mail or phone number?

To be able to serve you as an alumni as well as possible, please keep your contact information up to date in our alumni register!