Student story
Cyber Security continues to be more relevant in the development of IT environments and services in companies of all sizes not just in large ICT companies.
Petteri Nakamura, Deltamarin Ltd
Read Petteri's storyMaster's Degree
Learn how to plan, implement, audit and exercise Cyber Security. Train yourself to defend cyber security attacks in a safe, education-oriented cyber environment.
Student knowledge profile is dictated through their personal learning plan.
Cyber Security Master’s Degree programme student knows how about management, technical implementations, auditing, legislation and regulations of cyber security. The student will know how to plan, develop, implement and control different technological solutions in realistic company environments. The student will also learn how to test and audit these solutions. Student has the knowledge and skills to defend cyber security attacks in a safe, education-oriented cyber environment.
The student will have the ability for life-long learning professionally, make decisions and communicate effectively as part of a multinational team. The student knows how to conduct research ethically.
After completing the studies you will know about management, technical implementations, auditing, legislation and regulations of cyber security. You know how to plan, develop, implement and control different technological solutions in realistic company environments. You also learn how to test and audit these solutions. You have the knowledge and skills to defend cyber security attacks in a safe, education-oriented cyber environment.
Cyber security applies to all companies and organisations, whose business depends on working information technology environments. The constantly automating, digitising and IT-dependent society needs a functional and secure IT environment. Thus, cyber security touches the lives of all of us as consumers, employees, entrepreneurs and citizens as members of society, regardless of age.
Cyber security resilience is an organization’s ability to anticipate, respond to, and recover from cyber threats and attacks while maintaining high levels of operational capability and information security. This requires strong situational awareness, enabling the identification and understanding of threats, as well as quick and effective responses to changing conditions.
If you have a previously completed Bachelor or Master level degree, you deal with data and know how to program, do apply. The extent of the education is 60 – 90 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) depending on the degree. For example, for someone with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (B.Eng.) it is 60 ECTS, and for someone with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (BBA) it is 90 ECTS.
As a part-time student, you can complete the programme in approximately two years. It is also possible to complete the programme in one year as full-time studies. The education will be delivered as a multiform teaching where the contact hours will take place during the weekends (approximately 1 weekend per month).
The intake for the education is 30 students. The education will be delivered as a multiform teaching where the contact hours will take place during the weekends (approximately 1 weekend per month). The delivery is designed in such a way that it is possible to pass the degree studies alongside a full time employment within two years.
The assignments are carried out in a safe, education-oriented cyber environment. The environment is constantly updated according to the current research and industry developments.
The teaching will be conducted in English.
Master’s Thesis is a Research and / or development project, which is clearly working life oriented as it is assigned by a company or an organisation. With the Master’s Thesis you clearly demonstrate your ability to apply current research information to an industry or business related problem. You demonstrate your abilities to perform in a job demanding highly specialised knowledge and skills.
The graduate may apply to continue on to postgraduate studies in science or arts at universities (Act 558/2009, Section 37) and in the school of professional teacher education. Studies can be continued by applying for corresponding post-degree education at universities abroad, for example. A university of applied sciences also provides opportunities for continuing education in the form of specialisation studies, open studies, an online study portal (CampusOnline) and working life based continuing education.
What is it like to study Cyber Security? What got Lasse interested in this programme? What kind of exercises does the programme contain? The video is in English.
Student story
Cyber Security continues to be more relevant in the development of IT environments and services in companies of all sizes not just in large ICT companies.
Petteri Nakamura, Deltamarin Ltd
Read Petteri's storyStudent story
In my opinion, the degree programme sheds light on the whole playing field of cyber security and gives the students a good perspective on different aspects of it.
Tuukka Tiainen, Centero Ltd
Read Tuukka's storyIf you have questions about study contents, contact me.