news 20.5.2024

Jamk's projects on display at Africa Day 2024

Jamk participates in Africa Day 2024 organised by the University of Jyväskylä. 

A view on Maputo city with high buildings and a wide street.

The theme of this year's Africa Day event is "Building Resilient Education Systems for Increased Access to Inclusive, Lifelong, Quality and Relevant Learning in Africa".

Jamk's development work in Eastern African countries will be discussed in panel discussion and presented also in poster exhibition. In the Africa Day panel, Jamk's principal lecturer Irmeli Maunonen-Eskelinen is sharing her experiences with African partners. The topic of the panel is "Dynamics of African Education systems for the 21st Century in Finland and in Africa".

Irmeli Maunonen-Eskelinen is the project manager of the Theory-Practice Balance in Teacher Education (TEPATE) project. The project, funded by the HEI-ICI program of Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, focuses on developing the theory-practice balance of teacher education in Mozambique. Maunonen-Eskelinen will also be available at the poster exhibition after the panel to tell more about Jamk's cooperation with, for example, Ethiopian, Mozambican and South African partners in the field of teacher education. 

Attend the event!

Africa Day 2024 will be held on 24.5. at 12-16.30 at the University of Jyväskylä (library building Lähde). The event is free of charge. Read more: Africa Day 2024 webpage

Jamk is currently implementing several projects in African countries, for example:

MOPEDE Ethiopia

MOPEDE Project – Capacity Building for Modernizing TVET Pedagogy in Ethiopia

Towards inclusive and practice-oriented teacher education - TIPOTE

The TIPOTE project (2024-2026) focuses on inclusive education and seeks practical solutions for teachers to apply in diverse Mozambican contexts.

Breaking Education Barriers: Inclusion, Rehabilitation and Technology

BERT project aims to contribute towards the enhanced capacity of higher education institutions in East Africa to break down barriers hindering the full inclusion of persons with disabilities into society in the digital era.

More information:

Irmeli Maunonen-Eskelinen

Yliopettaja, Principal Lecturer
Jatkokoulutukset, Further Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education