news 16.3.2023

Tip for the publisher: Hunters

The choice of publication channel is important when you are interested in your own influence as an expert (see more Good practice in researcher evaluation). An experienced expert recognizes the main magazines, book publishers and well-established conferences in his field. In Finland, the publication channels are evaluated on behalf of the publisher in the Publication Forum.

The Ministry of Education and Culture annually collects the data on publications produced by research organisations and these data can be examined in a variety of ways in -service. Under the pressure of publication, an expert may falter to offer his publication in the so-called predatory journals without knowing that it is precisely such a less worthy player worldwide. Such an operator is a MDPI publisher, for example, whose publications published in the publication channels can be viewed in the above mentioned service. The expert would do well before deciding to choose his publishing channel to stop and go through the publisher's golden rule of Think.Check.Submit.

More information

Marja Kokko

Informaatikko, Information Specialist
Kirjasto, Library
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services