news 11.10.2023

Jamk Alumni of the year 2018, how are you?

Every year, we conduct a national career monitoring survey to find out the career paths of university of applied sciences graduates and the skills needed in working life. Respond and make an impact!

Puhelin, kynä, muistivihko, Amkista uralle-teksti

The annual Career Monitoring Survey will be launched again. The national Career Monitoring Survey collects information on alumni's employment, career as a whole, and satisfaction with their careers and degrees. The information is important in the development of education and study guidance.

Respond and make an impact - every answer is valuable

The career monitoring survey will be sent on 12.10.2023 to all graduates of the 2018 bachelor's and master's degrees. The career monitoring survey of universities of applied sciences will be carried out at the same time as the career monitoring survey of universities. Nearly 1300 Jamk's alumni will also receive the survey.

One of the objectives of the survey is to produce information on whether university of applied sciences graduates are satisfied with the education they have received. The career monitoring survey also includes questions selected for the funding model with the aim of assessing the quality of education. Based on the responses, the Ministry of Education and Culture allocates 3% of the core funding to universities of applied sciences.

"Each answer is therefore very valuable and supports the activities of the alumni's own university of applied sciences. Thank you already now to all Jamk graduates for your answers," says Tytti Pintilä, Jamk's Alumni Manager.

If you graduated from Jamk in 2018 and have not received your own survey link, please send an email to elina.kirjalainen(at) Thank you for your help!

More information on Career Monitoring Survey at Jamk

Tero Janatuinen

Laatupäällikkö, Quality Manager
Koulutuksen kehittämispalvelut, Educational Development Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services