news 22.2.2022

Jamk University of Applied Sciences and Istekki Partner to Promote Cybersecurity

Jamk University of Applied Sciences and Istekki Oy have signed a partnership agreement to strengthen cooperation in the areas of cybersecurity, information security, and competence development.

The partnership aims to enhance cooperation opportunities in promoting cybersecurity, research projects, and offering internship and employment opportunities for students. The parties also see it as important to develop and utilise cybersecurity testing laboratory and simulation opportunities.

Istekki is a Finnish publicly owned in-house company that provides ICMT services to its owner-customers. The owner-customers include Finland's largest hospital districts, welfare areas, central cities, municipalities, support service companies, and the defense forces. The company employs over 850 professionals. Its headquarters are located in Kuopio, with its largest offices in Tampere, Oulu, and Jyväskylä.

"The partnership agreement promotes the thesis work, internship, and employment opportunities for Jamk University of Applied Sciences students and enables continuous learning between the cooperation partners. The agreement also strengthens cooperation opportunities in cybersecurity research projects," says Mika Karjalainen, Director of the Institute Information Technology at Jamk University of Applied Sciences.

"Istekki's customer base consists largely of critical supply security operators for society, such as welfare areas and support service companies for cities and municipalities. The digitalisation of society's functions and services further highlights the importance of cybersecurity and information security. Jamk University of Applied Sciences has solid expertise and good networks that create a fruitful basis for cooperation," says Lasse Koskivuori, CEO of Istekki.

Further information

Mika Karjalainen

Vararehtori, Vice Rector
Konsernin hallinto, Administration
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services